Showing 271 Result(s)

How To Kill Your Procrastination and Take ACTION

Procrastination is a real and present danger to your business and to your life. Fortunately you can kill it easily. This article explains how. First off, let’s have a think about procrastination itself. What is it? As far as a definition is concerned, procrastination is basically putting off something you’d rather not do. Sometimes you might put …


Why It Is Now Your OBLIGATION To Get Famous

Right now on social media we see a lot of people talking about ‘how to build a personal brand.’ And hell, I should know—I’m one of them! So why has ‘personal brand’ become the latest buzz word in digital media? Well, like my relationship status on Facebook, ‘it’s complicated’. There are a few factors that apply …


Renegade Hustlers – The Player And The Entrepreneur

Players and entrepreneurs are both renegade hustlers. That much will be clear to anyone who gives the matter even a moment’s thought. In order to succeed in the arenas of both seduction and business, one must be a disruptor. Why? Because in each case you you must be an instigator who makes something happens that wouldn’t …

personal brand

What Is A Personal Brand Anyway?

In the run-up to the new course I’m putting together on personal branding, here’s a new video I just put up on YouTube about it. This is an into piece – we’ll be diving into the nitty gritty in the coming days! Keen to hear your thoughts as always! If you haven’t already, and …

persuasion techniques

Is Learning Persuasion Techniques Unethical?

Yesterday I wrote about how the art of persuasion is central to pretty much everything I cover in my content—in particular business and the dating world. Today on Twitter I posted each of Robert Cialdini’s 6 principles of persuasion. I’ll be writing more about each of these in turn—and how you can apply them—throughout this …