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do you have to be good looking like this man to meet hot girls?

Renegade Dating: How Much Do Looks Matter?

Let’s be under no illusions here: if you want to achieve success in the dating arena as a guy then how you look matters – a lot. There is a kind of doublethink at play sometimes as guys have this idea that women are less looks-orientated than they are. Now, in part that’s true (more …

james bond

How To Become James Bond-Level Attractive To Girls

You say ‘I tend to put everyone else’s needs above my own.’ That, in essence is your problem. Guys get very hung up on talk about ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’. But these words are not entirely helpful in terms of seduction. In seduction, what you need to be—or rather, what you need to communicate—is a strong essence of …


How To Not Get Sidetracked By B.S.

Latest podcast, below, recorded in Berlin without a mic, so apologies for the sound quality! If you like my writing, sign up to my daily email list. Each day I send out a new, premium article. In many cases, it is only available to subscribers and won’t appear anywhere else. Sign up here.   


Why You Shouldn’t Be ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex

When a romantic relationship has foundered and finally come undone, what happens next can be incredibly difficult for both parties. Generally speaking, though, ‘friendship’ in the true sense of the word cannot and will not work. At least, not for a very long time. Here’s the truth of the matter—-people break up for a reason. And …


How To Think Of New Things To Write About Every Day

Hopefully it hasn’t escaped your attention, but I put out a ton of content. I post an article on my website every day of the week. I’ve been doing so for nearly two years. I also send out another exclusive article to my email subscriber list. 99.9% of the time I ensure this article is …