
3 Ways To Be More Consistent Picking Up Beautiful Girls

Yes, we all want to get good at meeting and attracting beautiful women, and perhaps after some practice we develop a modicum of skill at it. Maybe we strike it lucky and manage to get a hottie or two into bed.

That’s great, but if you’re anything like I was in my early days of game, then your results will be wildly inconsistent. One month you might score a whole bunch of dates and several lays with high quality girls, but then the next you’ll get nothing but worn out shoe leather and a sense of despondency.

This was me, but fortunately I was able to improve my consistency with game over time. Here are three tips for what works well at doing this based on my own experience.

1.Approach Every Day

consistency 1consistency 1consistency 1

It’s been said a thousand times before, but really I can’t emphasise this point enough. Meeting and interacting with girls, just like writing or playing a musical instrument, is a skill, and like all skills, you need to practice it regularly to get good.

Daily approaching has many benefits. Obviously the more approaches you can do per day the better, but if you can only fit one in then don’t worry, it will still pay off.

When you approach on a daily basis and you are committed to doing so then you will find that your anxiety reduces exponentially. In part this is due to exposure to your fear and incremental improvements in your ability, but it’s also just because if you know you’re going to be doing this consistently then the bar is a lot lower. This one approach isn’t life or death—it’s just one of many. Repetition makes you less susceptible to rejection and more resilient.

The other thing is that daily approaching builds momentum, which is massively important in game. After you’ve done five approaches in a row then you’ll be on fire for the sixth. This is true not just for a single session: it also carries over into the next day too.

2. Stick To What Works

Men are problem solvers and innovative thinkers. As a result, we have a tendency to want to find an infinite number of ways to skin the same cat when actually there’s no need. As far as game is concerned, the best advice I can give is for each man to discover what works best for him and then to stick to it.

This goes for the type of game you do. I always recommend holistic game—a blend of day game, night game, online game and social circle game—simply because by adopting it you’ll cover all bases and set yourself up for the best return. But if you’re killing it with day game and you hate clubs then don’t change just for the sake of it. Find the method that works best for you and stick with it.

Similarly, there might be certain lines or spikes that you use when you meet girls that always seem to be effective. I have my own favourites. ‘Hey bad girl,’ ‘You look dangerous’ and so on. Again, if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it. Remember, even if you’ve delivered the same line thousands of times it’s the first time she’s heard it.

You have to be like an actor going on stage with the same script each night prepared to bring it to life for a new audience with renewed passion each time.

3. Troubleshoot The Weaknesses In Your Game And Eradicate Them

What are the weaknesses in your game? If you don’t know then you need to find out and then work to eradicate them.

One solid way is to get a wing to go out with. If he’s any good then he will observe your game and be able to alert you to problems or missing pieces you may have.

Another strategy worth pursuing is taking a dictaphone when you go out and recording your interactions with girls. By doing so you should be able to figure out for yourself if you are talking too fast, coming across as too needy, ejecting too soon, or saying things that sound stupid.

It’s also worth regularly reading game advice to check that you’re on the right lines. Luckily for you this website is updated every day! But use other resources too. Ensure that you are getting a constant stream of advice from people who’ve been gaming longer than you have.

Another option is to invest in a coach to pinpoint your major game weaknesses. I’m available for Skype consultations and face-to-face coaching: get in touch for more details. Sometimes just talking your game over with someone experienced can make all the difference.

Once you have an idea where you’re going wrong then you can make a concerted to cut out any bad habits and lean in to your skillset.

If you follow each of these suggestions then there is no doubt you will see a significant improvement of the consistency of your game over time.

To order your copy of my new game book HOW TO GET HOT GIRLS INTO BED click here.  

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Read More: How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed same day lay