The Power of the 90 Minute Nap For the Corporate Nightgamer

As anyone who follows my writing will be aware, I am not a ‘game’ purist dedicated to any particular niche. In my view, in today’s dating market, if a guy wants to optimise his results he really needs to adopt an ‘always on’ approach, which basically means hitting up girls in a variety of ways including daygame, nightgame, Tinder game, social circle game and so on.

In 2017 it is no longer good enough to be a specialist—you really need to be a generalist to get the highest level girls.

That said, for many guys, particularly those like me who have a full-time job and aren’t currently able or inclined to jump into game full time, the prospect of going out both day and night seems nigh on impossible when you also add in the rigours of work and other commitments.

How, then, is the guy who has his corporate job expected to go out to the club after a long week and still be firing with the required degree of energy and enthusiasm?

Of course there is caffeine—coffee, Diet Coke, Red Bull and so on. But these only help up to a point. There are also other, stronger substances—but as someone who has been sober for over 15 years they are not something I use or would recommend.

So that being the case, the main energy-boosting option available to you is the good old-fashioned nap. But even naps are not without their side-effects, even though they are significantly less pernicious than heavy amphetamines.

Sleep for too short or worse, too long a time, and you will wake up feeling groggy, tired and irritable. This seems counterintuitive but we’ve all experienced it. And once you are in that space, getting motivated to go out and talk to girls is hard.

Here, then, is a tip that I picked up some time ago now and has served me very well since. If you want to feel great after your nap, the best duration to choose is 90 minutes, or increments thereof.

The reason for this is really very simple—90 minutes is the length of the body’s natural sleep cycle and messing with that is bad news, mofos.

If you take a 20 minute nap then you are about OK—you pick up some of the benefits you require like increased alertness, greater clarity and so on. But if you sleep for half an hour or an hour then you’re going to be waking up in the middle of your REM cycle which is not good. It is at that point that you suffer from ‘sleep inertia’, which is the feeling of having been fed some kind of tranquiliser which makes you not want to go out.

So as I say, if you want to get your head down for some shut-eye after a hard day in the office and before going to the club, then get home in time to hit the sack at around 7pm. Set your alarm for 8.30pm. You can then get up again, shower, get dressed and hit the town with maximum energy, ready to kill it. And the good news is that sleeping for 90 minutes gives your memory and creativity a shot of the good stuff too.

Do you have any tips on how to maximise your energy while balancing work with pickup? If so, share them with other readers in the comments below.

Happy hunting this weekend, chaps.

To find out more about how to pull smoking hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.