The 5 Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made In Game

When I consider my journey in the game there are some moments I’m amazed at and proud of and a good many more that make me cringe. Fortunately a lot of the mistakes I’ve made are avoidable and luckily just for you I list five of the most glaring ones below

1. Not starting soon enough It’s a cliche but it’s true – I really wish I’d got into game a lot earlier than I did. So many of my youthful failures could have been avoided had I been just a little more savvy, a little more aware. The only excuse that I have is that when I was in my late teens and early twenties there wasn’t the whole wealth of pickup textbooks, blogs, YouTube videos and forums that we have today. You do not have the same excuse—if you want to get good with women then learn some theory at the same time as getting out there and approaching.

2. Leaving money on the table If I had a pound for every time I’ve had the opportunity to sleep with a girl but I’ve passed it up due to negligence, tiredness, laziness or an inability to see the obvious then I’d have a large collection of pounds right now. If a girl get makes it obvious that she is interested then for god’s sake do you and her a favour and progress matters accordingly

3. Failing to approach ‘those’ girls I wrote an article about ‘those’ particular girls who tug on your DNA last week. As I said then, whenever I’ve come across one of ‘those’ girls and failed to approach I’ve regretted it. If you see a girl who fits your type so closely that it’s like she’s just stepped out of your subconscious then you must approach her.

4. Getting into ill-advised relationships Every so often even the most seasoned player will meet a girl he likes and will be tempted to step off the pickup merrygoround for a little while. While that’s fine and I’m not having a dig at relationships per se, nevertheless you should be honest with yourself about what you really want. Too many times I succumbed to relationships with girls out of a need for affection or comfort without really wanting to be with the girl. This was unfair both on her and on me. Be in a relationship or stay single – both are fine but just be clear what you want and don’t mess people around. Also, don’t remove yourself from the market when other opportunities will doubtless be available.

5. Not being sexual enough Without a doubt the key element to game is developing a sexual vibe. It’s that more than any line or technique that will get you laid, and it was a lack of sexual edge that meant I squandered so many of my chances early on. Sexual vibe is the most difficult part of game to teach as it really only comes through experience, but acquire it you must. I’ll be writing more on this topic in future though.

So don’t say you haven’t been warned! Try to avoid these five common pitfalls in your game and you’ll be ahead of a good 80% of average guys. Enjoy!

To find out more about how to pull smoking hot girls night or day buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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Read More: How To Have Sex With a Hot Girl at A Fetish Club