talking to a hot girl

The Number One Thing You Must Do When Talking To A Hot Girl

There’s one thing that you must always do when you interact with a hot girl, especially if you’re in Western city like London or NYC and that is ‘flip it.’ I’ve been giving girls ‘the flip’ since I got serious about game back in the early 2000’s and it has never let me down yet.

You will probably be aware of the old concept of ‘negging’, a term popularised by the book The Game which detailed the pickup techniques of Mystery and associates of his like Tyler Durden (now of RSD). If not then negging refers to the notion of belittling superficial elements of a girl’s appearance or presentation, not so much to make her feel bad as much as to ‘even the playing field’ between the two of you.

Negging was much reviled at the time, mainly by women, and even today when pick-up artistry is mentioned most people think of a guy in a fuzzy top hat and lots of flashy jewellery ‘negging’ girls in nightclubs.

Negging is really now an outdated piece of game technology best consigned to the history books. Many of the negs popular back in the day were either crass and insulting or merely ineffective. Asking a girl whether her nails are real, for example, is more likely to get you pegged as her new gay best friend than as a potential sex partner.


talking to

That being said, the notion of negging did contain a grain of value for the aspiring poon pirate and it is this: the successful seducer will always ensure there is a degree of ambiguity around his desire for the girl he is targeting, at least in the initial stages of their interaction.

‘The flip’, then, is a refreshed and somewhat toned-down version of the old-school neg. It is less theatrical, less performative, and more easy to implant into everyday encounters.

‘The flip’, as the name suggests, is where you proffer a vaguely complimentary statement one moment, only to cast doubt about whether you really meant it or not the next.

Because it is a subtle technique, the flip relies as much on the delivery as it does on what you actually say. So a very simple flip I use all the time is to say something like ‘Hey, you’re cute—kinda’. Of course this comes over as a mild tease and it normally raises a surprised laugh from the girl. But what is more significant than the words themselves is the way you look at her.

Basically, perfecting your smirk is hugely important. A cheeky half-smile with a quizzical look and raised eyebrows is key. You want your look to convey that (a) you’re laughing along with her at what you’re saying and (b) you might just be serious—both at the same time.

For the lovestruck lass, time spent with that hot sexworthy guy is a head-spinning, disorientating, knicker-drenching experience. And guess what—such an effect isn’t born of bland consistency and certainty.

You might also try ‘Hey, great to see you. Well, maybe not great…’ Any formulation of this kind where a beta ego-fluff is posited only to be snatched back at the last moment will get her snatch nice and lubricated.

Always remember that the player is a marginal, peripheral, mysterious figure whose hallmark is his very mutability, his chameleon-like ambiguity.

Approach directly and with confidence but always with the subcommunocation that this prize of devil-may-care masculinity may not fall as easily into her lap as she hopes.

Give it a go. Let me know how you get on as you utilise ‘the flip’ to keep your motives and intentions opaque. Without a doubt you will find your pussy-appropriation increasing exponentially over time.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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