beware nice girls

Why You Must Beware Of Nice Girls

Beware of nice girls. Just as there is a problem with nice guys, so there is a problem with nice girls too.

You need to be wary of girls who are too nice straight off the bat. For every girl who pulls the stone-cold bitch act to deflect unwanted attention from men, there is another girl who uses effusiveness and niceness as her tactic.

This is a minefield for the inexperienced guy. If a girl is nice to him at all he holds a celebration party with all his friends, assuming that he’s in with a chance. He isn’t in with a chance. The girl was just nice. She was nice perhaps because she was brought up well and is polite, but she was also nice because she is a people-pleaser and doesn’t want to have to endure the awkwardness of rejecting this guy to his face.

This is why when you are doing game, either in the day or the night, you will, in between the usual fast rejections, get a few girls who seem interested and will happily talk to you for ten minutes and sometimes a lot longer.

The chode will fail to realise that while he may have gelled socially with this girl there is no sexual spark. And without a sexual spark you are merely having a pleasant chat, nothing more.

Some girls do this deliberately. Perhaps she is hot and used to being hit on and so she has developed appearing friendly as a defence mechanism. Or maybe she is one of those hippy types who are incredibly open to meeting new people ‘because the world is such an amazing place when you say yes to life’. Or some bullshit.

Or maybe—and this is most annoying of all—she is deliberately employing ‘niceness’ as a rejection technique because, let’s face it, what can the guy really do? He can hardly complain or get butthurt as she pays him attention and appears to go along with his agenda.

Whatever her reasons or her approach, you need to learn to recognise over-effusiveness when you see it and weed out these girls as quickly as possible.

The truth is that women like attention, and some of them will play you for it if they think they can get away with it. A classic example is the girl who currently has a boyfriend. She’ll go out for lunch with you, have drinks with you, flirt with you. But as soon as she’s broken up with the boyfriend and so the path is open for you two to get together for real she disappears. The truth is she was never really interested in the first place. She just liked the attention.

The way to get round this? Whenever a girls is being suspiciously nice to you, you need to spike things up. Stare at her breasts, comment on her legs and ass. Drop in some real flirtatious shit, some real caveman shit.

Put your cards on the table. Tell her you want to take her on a date, you and her. Man to woman. Or, if you’re out for drinks, tell her you want to take her home with you. Try to kiss her. Fuck it if you get the cheek, just wait a few moments and then try again.

You need to do everything you can to get her off that fence she’s sitting on. She needs to tell you yes or no, straight up. If it’s no, then fine—at least you didn’t waste any more time. And if it’s yes then congratulations, you’ve just cut through her bullshit and moved things that step closer to sex.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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Read More: Can Short Guys Get Hot Girls?




  1. Sexual spark is the key here. If there is no sexual tension on her part that you can feel, you gotta test with escalation and compliance tests. The problem is, a lot guys, especially the blue pillers, assume cause a girl is nice that means something. Well, when you’re thirsty and clueless that will happen. But niceness without showing obvious interest, without giving you something tangible like a touch or her phone number, adds up to diddly squat. Better to move on and not be the cat toy or emotional tampon she’s using you as.

    1. Completely agree man – always be escalating. Thanks for the comment! Cheers, Troy

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