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Is It Easier To Pull Younger Or Older Women And What Should YOU Do To Optimise Your Chances With Both?

Blackdragon has a great piece on the benefits of dating younger and older here. But is it actually easier to pull younger or older women? Reading the article got me to thinking about some of my own recent experiences.

As with most things in game, the answer is somewhat counterintuitive in that it is on balance easier to pull younger girls even though these are also generally the most coveted. The caveat is of course that you have to know what you’re doing, as well as be well-presented, in good shape etc etc.

Just to clarify terms here, for simplicity’s sake when I refer to young women I’m talking about those aged between 18 and 27. Older women are any aged over 27, although of course I’m more than aware that there are vast differences between a 28 year old and a 40 year old. But 27 is a good dividing line since it is at around this point that most girls start to wake up and smell the coffee and become a little more serious about their dating lives.

So if the sexual marketplace is based on demand and supply and, broadly speaking, there is greater demand for younger (read: ‘hotter’) women under the age of 27, then how can it make sense that this demographic is often the easier to target.

The answer is simply that women’s priorities shift sharply in their later twenties—in fact, the shift can be alarming in its severity in some cases. Becoming aware that time is no longer on their side and there is a limited window of opportunity available for them to find a potential babydaddy, so the selectivity process must become a lot more stringent. Suddenly hookups and experimentation are out (or at least they’re curtailed) in favour of serious relationships with commuted partners.

Now, an anomaly of the dating market that actually works in many men’s favours (depending on their objectives) is that it’s a lot easier to pass the test as a potential one-night stand than as a potential boyfriend. Imagine auditioning to be some woman’s husband. Think of all the hoops you’d have to jump through, all the standards you’d have to reach.

In contrast, the bar for being a secret, dirty one-night shag is commensurately lower. After all, she doesn’t have to tell her friends about you. She doesn’t have to introduce you to her parents. And she certainly doesn’t need to worry about your provisioning ability.

So given that most girls under the age of 27 are more in the market for hook-ups than anything else (and in fact are often turned off by men who present themselves as providers) it can actually be easier to get them into bed, with a little bit of game, than their older compadres.

Just one example, this girl Chrissy I know. So Chrissy is Greek and she’s now 36. She is, however, still very youthful-looking and attractive with her olive skin, a slender but curvy figure and full black hair. I banged her a couple of times a while back and then did a disappearing act on her as I was dating other girls.

Just recently I’ve been back in touch with her to see if there’s any possibility of a rematch, being in the mood for a little Mediterranean repast. Regrettably though, it seems that I won’t be getting a look in. Why? Because although she is still strongly attracted to me she knows that I am not a ‘serious’ prospect, and she’s said as much.

Given that my previous modus operandi was to meet her for sex and then disappear for weeks at a time she knows my game and realises that I am unlikely to hang around and play happy families with her. Therefore sex is off the table, for at this crucial stage in her life what value would a casual fling with me have for her? None – and in fact it would disadvantage her as it would likely only get in the way of her search for a more serious partner.

In contrast there was little difficulty in my pulling that twenty-something Hungarian girl back to her hostel toilets last week. Why? Because she is still in a place in her life where she wants to be experimental and fun.

It’s important to bear this in mind when you are going about your game. If you are looking for brief, fleeting liaisons rather than long entanglements then you might just be better off targeting younger paramours with whom to share your erotic exploits.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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Read More: How To Date A Hungarian Girl Who’s Obsessed With Kinky Sex