
Is Cocaine The Secret Drug Of Choice For Seducers?

In London in the night-time you will see them. The men with serious faces. They are dressed in dark jeans and blazers, leather jackets or parkas. Some of them are in bands. Others work in finance. Many are criminals. They are the cocaine men.

These men hang arounds the clubs at 2am, standing by bar, yelling at the barman to get the fuck on with that bourbon and dry already. These men are rude and they don’t give a fuck.

They talk about themselves incessantly. They are completely and utterly in love. With themselves. They are utterly convinced of—and enamoured of—the singular beauty they possess, their irrefutable genius, their titanium hardness. These men fuck more cute young girls than you can even picture. They are the dark triad men. The cocaine men.

Is coke the drug of choice for seducers? Undoubtedly. Just think about the competition for a moment. Alcohol? It’s OK for a bit but then it makes you slow and worse, needy. Weed? Give me a break. Weed is the drug of dough-bellied Homeland fans, not deadly and effective seducers. MDMA? It just makes you hug people.

Coke takes the dial on the dark triad amp and turns it right up to ten before ripping it off entirely. Psychopathy? Sure. You don’t give a shit about anyone else on that stuff. Narcissism? Is that even a question? Some of the greatest moments of my (former) existence have been spent with merely a gram and a mirror as company. Machiavellianism? Well, coke is a stimulant. It wakes you up, it makes you sharper and it focuses you very narrowly on your particular interests. As such it usefully fosters down and dirty scheming.

I haven’t taken cocaine, or any other non-prescribed drug, for over fifteen years (because I am in recovery for addiction.) As such, while I visit the same clubs as the coke men and I hit on the same girls, I am not experiencing the same world as them.

In one way I envy these men, because for fifty quid and a line of powder up each nostril in the toilets these guys naturally and easily acquire those characteristics—supreme self-confidence, arrogance, cockiness, narcissism, a lack of empathy for others, and ruthless cunning—that are magnetically attractive to women and which the rest of us have to acquire naturally or imitate.

When I think about the type of game that really works—and I’m not here talking about doing palm-reading or Strawberry Fields over a frappuccino in Starbucks but rather creating panting, pantie-wetting excitement in the women with whom one interacts—it becomes obvious that this type of game is almost a perfect simulacrum of the effects of cocaine on its imbiber.

Of course, it goes without saying that this website is anti-drugs and I am not suggesting for one moment that the aspiring player should take cocaine to improve his chances with women. As I’ve said, I don’t take drugs or drink alcohol myself and I’ve seen too many peoples’ lives ruined through addiction to make any such recommendation.

Nevertheless, it’s important to understand the playing field on which you are engaged. If you are doing nightgame in a big metropolitan city like London or NYC and you are not a cokehead then you should bear in mind that others around you probably are and that as such they have something of an unfair advantage.

Hot Girls Like Cocaine Too

cocaine girls

The other thing to remember is that a lot of hot club girls like coke too. Like, really like it. And if you are holding then it will get you a very long way. If you read my account of Torture Garden in London in March you’ll see that one girl pretty much offered to go home with me in exchange for coke. I didn’t have any, and I wasn’t about to play the game of pretending that I had. But, ethical questions aside, perhaps I should have done.

While carrying around an illegal substance is not the type of game that I prescribe, we can nevertheless acknowledge that it works for a good many men. For myself though, what interests me more is whether the effects of cocaine can be induced without actually taking the stuff.

While practically the answer to this is no, nevertheless there are a couple of things that I do to up my dark triad quotient that really work. The first is lifting weights. Yes, I know, blah blah blah. If another men’s website tells me I need to lift weights I’ll be inclined to drop one on my head. Nevertheless, the nearest I’ve had to a natural assimilation of a drug rush is doing a heavy weights session just before prior to going out. I did it before a daygame session the other week and collected seven phone numbers in ten approaches. Why? Because my testosterone was firing, I went for what I wanted, took know bullshit, was full of confidence to the point of arrogance and was generally just riding out a dopamine high. The same was true last time I did nightgame. Guys, if you’re not lifting weights before you go out then start now. It really works.

The other thing is affirmations. I saw a great post on Reddit today that said ‘Constantly remind yourself that you are better than anyone else…if you are constantly telling yourself that you’re better than everyone else, you will start to believe it and other people will too. 95%+ of people are going to more or less believe everything they’re told’ (ROITHSCHILD_GOON_1913). I really couldn’t have put it better myself.

I won’t reveal all my affirmations here as they are personal to me, but a word to the wise—don’t think that affirmations are only about hippy dippy positivity memes. Why not say affirmations that are dark triad-related? I’ve been going around saying ‘I am fucking awesome’ for so long now that it’s made a groove in my cerebral cortex that can’t be removed. And that really helps me walk into a room where I don’t know anyone and assume I’m the shit. Arrogant? Yes. Delusional? Maybe. Effective? Most definitely.

Remember, when you have a clear goal then do whatever works to achieve it. Cocaine is a highly-addictive, mind-altering substance that will wreck your life. Narcissism, Machiavellianism and . . . let’s say a lack of empathy rather than psychopathy, which in any case can’t just be ‘picked up’, will get you a long way. Learn how to utilise these and you will naturally benefit.

P.S. If you really want to skyrocket your ‘sex-cess’ then of course, it helps to have money. Fortunately, I have a solution for you.

If you’d like an hour’s FREE Skype consultation with me and you are interested in building your own money-making niche websites, head over to Kyle Trouble’s PRO NICHE SITE course, check it out, and reserve your place before the end of this week (19th August 2018).

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