Showing 34 Result(s)

Does Meeting Face-To-Face In Public No Longer Work In 2023?

An interesting post from the Dating Advice For Men Reddit: Any attractive dudes in here that constantly encounter mutual attraction they are unable to capitalise on? It’s usually fleeting encounters in public, but even in situations that are supposed to be deemed “appropriate” social environments like bars and parties it is challenging. It seems that …

How Do I Get A Girlfriend?

Comes a question from someone who consumes my content: ‘Hey Troy, love the videos. I have a very simple question. I am 23 years’ old with no sexual experience and all I want is to find a girlfriend. How do I get a girlfriend?’ Now once upon a time – we are led to believe …

It’s A NEW YEAR! 2023! What The Hell Do I Do Now???!

Well, here we are – we’ve reached New Year’s Day 2023.  How the hell did that happen? By the way, it’s with some muted sadness that I say goodbye to the Christmas period. Despite my protestations to the contrary, I actually rather like Christmas. It just always seems like such a build-up to not-very-much-really. Rather …

The Death of Togetherness

A few splintered images. A dance floor in the Amnesia nightclub on Ibiza, an island off the coast of Spain. Girls with glitter on their faces. Sweaty skin and t-shirt as you squeeze your way from bar to podium. Smiles and high-fives. A crowd juiced up on house music and ecstasy. In a basement room …


The Best Thing To Do On Lockdown | Degenerate Diaries

We’ve spent the last few days talking about the ‘lockdown’ situation that many countries are facing, and I’ve been making suggestions about how best to spend your time under these unusual circumstances – namely, with self-improvement. Well, with that in mind, I have some exciting news to share with you – Jon of Modern Life …

What To Say When You First Approach a Hot Girl

If there’s a question that gets asked of game writers and coaches more than any other, it’s this: What is your pick-up line? Yeah, for real. Dude thinks that all it takes to bag a hottie is this one incredible, indestructible sentence. This phantasmagorical formulation of words that is at once so compelling, so magnetic, …