What To Say When You First Approach a Hot Girl

If there’s a question that gets asked of game writers and coaches more than any other, it’s this:

What is your pick-up line?

Yeah, for real. Dude thinks that all it takes to bag a hottie is this one incredible, indestructible sentence. This phantasmagorical formulation of words that is at once so compelling, so magnetic, so sexually alluring, and so erotically suggestive that the girl will instantly remove her underwear and beg him to sex her.

Unfortunately this is a misconception.

In game literature, the opening line you use is normally referred to as (for obvious reasons) ‘the opener.’ While it is helpful if this opener is powerful in some way, or witty, or relevant to the context in which you find yourself, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be any of those things. 

Think about this. In my life as an international Modern Casanova I have approached thousands of girls. In a pick-up career which has been fuelled by a somewhat addictive natures and which has spanned nearly fifteen years I have naturally chatted up a lot of women.

Of those women, a proportion (small, as is the way of these things) have been interested enough to come out on a date or two with me. Of those, a (smaller, natch) proportion have come back to my abode to enjoy a spot of carnal pleasure.

So over the years I’ve notched up a great deal of experience both in what works and it what doesn’t work when it comes to approaching girls.

The infinite wisdom that I can now share with you, my lovely reader, as a result of all of those years of toil and dedication, that decade-and-a-half of feverish experimentation?

It really doesn’t matter what you say. 

That’s right. It really doesn’t matter that much.

The most important thing is not what you say to initiate a conversation: the most important thing is that you say something.

Think about your aim for a moment. You want to sleep with this girl, right? OK, well let’s take it back a few steps. Are you likely to sleep with her without talking to her and her talking to you? Unlikely (OK, not impossible, but certainly unlikely in most cases).

That being the case, you need to have a conversation with her. Now, that could happen organically. Perhaps she will come up to you and start talking to you . . . . 

. . . . .

. . . . .How’s that working out for you? No, in the majority of cases women do not initiate conversations with men, even those few men they are extremely attracted to.

As such, it falls on your shoulders, my friend. You need to man up, swallow your fear and say something to her.

But here’s the good part. As I’ve already mentioned, it really doesn’t matter what you say. And even better than that, what you say doesn’t have to be at all impressive.

Yes, you read that right. It is not necessary for you to blow her away with your verbal dexterity straight off the bat for her to sleep with you.

I now want to share with you a tool that I have found extremely helpful in my pick-up career and I’m sure you will too. It’s this: lower the goddamn bar. Seriously. Lower the bar.

Instead of trying to think of golden things to those girls you see in the morning on your commute into work, instead of crafting sublime openers that turn to dust as quickly as you devise them, instead, concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and walking towards the girl.

That’s right. Walk towards her.

‘But I don’t know what I’m going to say!’

Good. Walk towards her anyway. Then when you are standing in front of her, smile and say something like this:

‘Hi, I’m Troy.’

That’s it.

You don’t need anything more than that. Not to approach. Not to open.

Now granted, when she responds you will need to form a follow up. But that’s not what this article about—this article is just about the opener. And once you’ve said ‘Hi, I’m Troy’ then congratulations, you have just successfully opened a conversation with a woman, a stranger who you don’t know but to whom you are attracted.

Remember, just doing that will put you in the top 5% of men on the planet.

Go out and try it today. Try it ten times. I’m confident that you will have at least four decent conversations as a result, and you didn’t even have to go to the trouble of having to learn a ‘pick-up line’.

Sometimes we really love to over-complicate those things that are most simple.

To find out more about how to pull smoking hot girls night or day buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

For daily updates follow me on Twitter and Insta

Read More: How To Have Sex With a Hot Girl at A Fetish Club 


About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.


  1. Well, this is a topic to be discussed and disputed among game scholars for centuries to come. What I have found out to work for old farts like me (and, face it Troy, for almost old guys like you), is the indirect opener, whereupon you ask the girl for directions to the bank, to this or that street, to the townhall etc (anything will do as long as it is near). After many approaches you get to know if the girl wants to continue the conversation, and you proceed along the lines described by the great Roosh, to develop threads, routines etc., and to number close.

    I recently met an impressive lady (brunette, 180+ cm (5′ 11” +) in a somewhat seedy part of Athens by asking where the nearest bank was and starting a conversation about security problems in our city.

    1. Yes indeed – indirect can also work well. I’m just impatient! But I suspect I’ll lean into indirect more as time goes on. Cheers! Troy

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