how to date beautiful women like this

Renegade Dating: This Book Will Teach You How To Get Better Dating Results

Right now my book  The Seven Laws of Seduction is available to buy on Amazon.

(It may not be forever, though—more on that soon ;))

It is the culmination of over a decade’s worth of practice out in the dating trenches, as well as exposure to the thinking of other renegade playboys.

I’ve spent a lot of time on it and I think it offers real value, with some great new perspectives on many elements of dating.

And so, without further ado, here’s the sales pitch:

The Seven Laws of Seduction is a simple, step-by-step guide that gives men everything they need to know about how to date and seduce women.

  • Are you the kind of guy who has trouble relating to women but who longs to find a girlfriend?
  • Or maybe you’re in a relationship that is no longer working, but you’re afraid to leave, believing that you don’t have any other options.
  • Or perhaps you are envious of your ‘natural’ friends who seem to have no trouble in meeting attractive women for one-night stands?
  • Then again, maybe you are a seasoned ‘player’ looking for new perspectives.
  • It could be that you’ve read other dating guides and found them lacking, and you simply don’t have the time or the inclination to sift through dubious information online, or attend costly seminars and bootcamps

If so, then The Seven Laws of Attraction is for you.

Look, over the last 14 years I’ve made the transformation from shy guy to a global expert in current dating trends.

From being a guy too shy to even look at an attractive girl, the last decade-and-a-half have seen me embark on a journey that has spanned the globe, during which I have become friends with an exclusive clique of the world’s foremost renegade playboys, meeting a colourful cast of international women along the way.

How did my life change so radically? Because I discovered the Seven Laws of Seduction—closely-guarded secrets about male-female social dynamics that are known and applied by every international ladies man, but are rarely revealed to the general public.

The Seven Laws of Seduction is packed with  information designed to hardwire the knowledge of the world’s greatest renegade playboys directly into your brain in a fraction of the time it took for me to internalise it.

In the book you will learn:

  • How to bring out your true, masculine self 
  • How to achieve a sense of limitless abundance 
  • How to meet women every day in places you would never have thought possible
  • How to significantly reduce your fear of approaching her
  • The two seduction models: one-tier and two-tier. Know which one you’re in and don’t make the same mistakes most guys do. 
  • How a lot of conventional thinking about dating is wrong and how going with what you know in the moment will yield massive results
  • How to leverage masculine-feminine polarity to get her tingling with excitement
  • How your approach in itself can create huge attraction in the girl

And . . . !

  • How to create a force field around your enabling you to withstand even the highest degree of social pressure
  • Techniques to crush your fear of rejection
  • Why ‘leagues’ don’t exist and how you can attract the most beautiful women imaginable. 
  • The special techniques you need to know to meet girls efficiently at night 
  • How to create sexual tension

Plus . . . !!

  • How direct sexual references are extremely powerful—when used correctly 
  • Exactly what to do on a first date 
  • How having a certifiably insane degree of self-love will 10X your dating life 

The book presents a clear and logical system for dating with a practical, user-friendly layout. ]

Each chapter describes and explains one of the Seven Laws in detail and also includes –

  • A real-life example that illustrates and explains the concepts presented, showing exactly what is possible for an ordinary guy to achieve
  • A cheat-sheet of Core Principles
  • Motivating and powerful exercises to get you out there and dating!

Applying these principles will seriously skyrocket your success in the dating arena so take action today.  If you are serious about improving your success with women then get hold of your copy now.

Yes, I would like to 10X my dating life now with The Seven Laws of Seduction 

If you liked this article you will love my daily email, which teaches business AND pleasure for men. To sign up go here: Troy Francis Subscribers

Plus, if you would like to learn how you can escape the matrix and live the renegade playboy life by building your own personal brand business online, go here. 

About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.


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