The Number One Mistake You Must Avoid Making In Your Game 

So often game hinges on simple logistics and momentum rather than clever tricks or techniques. Whether you actually get laid or not is, after a certain baseline attraction has been established, more about how you handle the pull than anything else.

In most cities today where life is both fast and pressured you have to be flexible and ready to accommodate a hook up or booty call at short notice. Failure in this area will lead to you losing lays, even when the girls are attracted to you. It is frequently the number one mistake you can make in your journey as a player.

The Shot Girl 

So I met a shot girl over the Christmas period. Not when she was out working the clubs – no doubt under those circumstances she’s fawned over by countless thirsty men and her bitch shield is high. No, I met her while doing voluntary work in a homeless shelter. She was cute in her fluffy jumper and jeans but her Instagram told a different story of high heels and thigh-skimming dresses.

We met up briefly a week ago. Her schedule is pretty all over the place (apart from the shot girl work she also teaches Pilates and does some modelling) and I’m busy too, so we grabbed a late-night pizza just off Leicester Square. Incidentally, I pretty much never go for food with girls on a first date and neither should you, but on this occasion I was starving. Anyhow, the chat was sparky, the vibe good. We walked to the tube station and made out. Fair enough. 

There was then some text game back and forth. She gave me some bullshit about not being able to meet until the following week, which seemed less than ideal to me. In most cases you want to keep the momentum high and go for the close as soon as possible. So instead I suggested that she come over to my place on the Sunday after she’d had dinner with a friend. 

That might well have been my undoing.

Sunday rolled around. I was tired. The shot girl messaged me late afternoon to say she was meeting her friend at 7 and would I still potentially be up for meeting later? Yes, I told her. Just message me when you’re free.

To be honest I didn’t hold out much hope. I know how flakey London girls can be and it’s quite a big ask to get one to come over to your place at night after very minimal prior interaction. Also, my fatigue was growing. Hey, I’m 40 and I currently have a busy corporate management job. Shoot me. 

By 11pm I was asleep.

In the morning I woke up to these messages:

Shot Girl had indeed contacted me at 23.24.

Now, let’s think about this for a moment. I had originally positioned her coming over to my place as an opportunity to sample my wonderful cooking (it’s not really wonderful, or even competent, but we’ll let that pass). But what girl would seriously consider coming over to a guy’s apartment at 23.30 at night for any reason other than to bang? Had I been awake and able to respond to her texts it’s probable that the night would have taken a distinctly more pleasurable turn.

I texted her in the morning telling her I had fallen asleep and asking her how her night had been. You’ll note I didn’t actually apologise for failing to respond to her – I had no reason and anyway, to do so would in my view look needy and weak. 

That was a day ago – I have so far not recieved a reply. I rather doubt I will ever see Shot Girl again.

Now, perhaps I’m being overly pessimistic. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong. But in my experience – which is pretty extensive by this point – if you get a girl to the point where she wants to bang and then fail to bang her then she will cut you off for good.

Which is why, as I said at the start, you need to be in a position to accommodate last minute hook-ups and booty calls. In London and other major cities the dating market moves fast and it is ruthless. If you don’t capitalise on your trades with speed and vigour then they will either be lost, or someone else will swoop in to reap the rewards.

A final note. If you are a player over the age of 35 like me then it’s essential you maintain your energy levels through whatever means possible. No one really wants to be up all night on a Sunday before a big week at work, but on the other hand no one wants to miss out on a shag with a cute 24 year old either. Stamina and flexibility remain key and this is something I must take steps to address in future.

To find out how you can arrange booty calls with hot, 24 year-old shot girls, buy my book 7 Laws of Seduction here 

Read more: What to Do When She Stops Replying to Your Texts 

About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.


  1. […] Read More: The Number One Mistake You Must Avoid Making In Your Game  […]

  2. Welcome back, glad your posting again.

    1. Thanks man – much appreciated!

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