
A Simple Tip to Aid Your Productivity

I had the train journey from hell today. Eight hours on from Cornwall to London in an absurdly packed carriage.

By rights the journey should take five, but what with billions of people (seemingly) escaping the provinces for London there were severe delays.

I was lucky enough to get a seat—many didn’t, and I felt for them—but even as I was sympathetic it was far from ideal having people standing in the aisles talking.

Clearly, eight hours is a huge chunk of time which would have been best spent working. However, the train was so packed that I couldn’t even get to my case to take out my laptop and anyway, what with all the commotion around me my concentration was shot to pieces.

There was one thing I could do, though, and so I did it. I took out my Kindle and started to read. Fortunately I’d loaded it up with new books the day before, so I had plenty to choose from.

I started with Jab Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk. If you’re not familiar with Gary Vee and you are—or aspire to be—an entrepreneur then you should definitely check out his stuff. This particular book is about social media content marketing, how to use various different platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc., and the importance of giving loads and loads of value (jabbing) before asking for a sale (the ‘right hook’). It’s an easy read, has some great ideas and is highly recommended.

I then turned to a copywriting book called How To Write A Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab, which was recommended by The Wall Street Playboys. This is a classic book on writing copy to sell things that was originally published in 1942. I’m about 40% of the way through it. So far, so good. The tone is old-school, but the advice is still sound.

My point is that there are times when, for whatever reason, you simply won’t be able to do everything that you set out to do. But what you must ensure is that you do something. Do something, anything, as long as it moves you forward towards your goals.

As an ex-girlfriend once said to me, if you can’t write, then read. It made sense to me then, and it makes sense now. And in the same way, if you can’t go to the gym, then run for twenty minutes. And if you can’t do that then get down on the floor and do 100 press-ups.

If you can’t spend a whole night in a club chatting to tens of girls you can at least approach one in line at the coffee shop.

There is always something you can do. It may not be the heavy lifting that’s required to build an empire, but you can do something, and you can do it today. Right now.

So next time you’re concerned about your productivity, and you are worried because you’re prevented from giving it your all, then don’t be afraid to do something small.

It all adds up, after all.

For more on this topic, watch the video below that I made for my YouTube channel. It’s the lastest in my Troy Daily series: daily vlogs on game, success, entrepreneurialism and everything in between.

For a collection of my best writing on game from the last five years, get a copy of How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed on Amazon

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  1. 8 hours for ca 200 km? Seems England is no longer what it used to be. At least not what it was 20 years ago, when I knew it.

    1. Hey Themis, The journey is meant to take around 5 hours from London Paddington to Hayle. But they closed Paddington for maintenance work over Christmas, which caused some issues. But basically they just didn’t put on enough trains. There were as many people standing in the aisles as there were sitting down. Terrible cock up but I’m sure it will be exactly the same next year. Not a great advertisement for privatisation. But I’m sure Brexit will sort everything out . . !! Cheers, Troy.

      1. True, much more than 200 km. More like double the distance. Anyway, the point I wanted to make was about the changes in England in the past decades compared to what it was when I first got to know the country (in 1983, mind you), and the changes in the psychology of women and the methods to approach them. Thanks for a beautiful blog.

        1. Many thanks. Yes, things have changed a lot here, although I was growing up during that time so I suppose it’s seemed more gradual for me. Where are you based now? Troy

          1. I am based in Athens, Greece, as always. I am a 52 year old man and I still consider myself a student of game. I used to think that pussy comes from the sky, and pussy did come from the sky; only problem was that it came once every 3 years. Since I started practicing game my life has improved exponentially.

          2. Fabulous stuff. I love Athens, visited once with an ex of mine. Hope to get there again at some point. What is it like for game?
            Cheers, Troy.

  2. No longer in my prime, so I am not the most suitable person to assess the local scene; however, even if I don’t bang the 20 yr old hottie, game guarantees nice milfs and pre – gilfs that make life pleasant. The problem here is lack of future, that is, decent employment, particularly for young people. I have some passive income, so as not to have to count every penny, but a lot of men here are too demoralized due to the economic situation to be able to seriously consider improving themselves – and learning game.

    1. Yes, that is a difficulty for sure. I was sleeping with a Greek girl I met through day game a while back. She was very sexy and also warm, kind and so on. It ended in the usual way, as she wanted more than I was prepared to give. She was cool though.

      I am keen to read Adults In The Room by Yanis Varoufakis about the negotiations with the EU. Pertinent to us Brits at the moment. He often appears in the media here talking about Brexit.


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