
Selling Is A Brand of Psychology

SELLING is a brand of psychology.

Once you understand this you will be able to make a living whatever your circumstances and whatever hardships may befall you in life.

I heard it said just recently that the only insurance policy any of us has against things going sour in the future is a skill and the ability to produce.

Well, if your skill is selling then you will have the ability to produce large sums of money whenever and wherever.

I’ve been spending a lot of time studying copywriting—it’s a key part of my job now, after all—and it’s really helped me as a refresher after a short break from my 20+ year career in sales.

So, without further ado, here are the three ways in which you can use psychology to sell, to make money, and to steal business from right under your competition’s noses too!

  • Understand your audience’s pain points better than they do.

This is essential. You start with a target audience, not a product. You think hard about that target audience, and you figure out what is hurting them. Yes, that’s right—you have to get down and dirty here, and think like a predator. What is your audience’s Achilles heel? And how can you use it as leverage?

Whether it’s fear of being lonely, fear of having no money, a desire to lose weight, a sense of desperation about impending age, you must pinpoint their pain points before proceeding further.

  • Figure out how to solve them

Now it’s your job to solve these pain points your audience has. What can you offer them, what kind of product can you devise, that will make things easier for them?

Look at the competition, see what other people are doing, and work out what you can deliver that solves the problems that persist. How can you counter those complaints customers have about those other products?

  • Communicate more effectively than the other guy that YOU are the solution

This is where we get down to the sales nitty-gritty. You have to learn the art of persuasion, and you have to position your solution as the go-to product…otherwise you won’t make sales.

Unfortunately, at a certain point quality alone is not sufficient—you have to also make them believe that what you have to offer is of quality.

From a personal brand perspective, the way you do this is to position yourself as an authority figure by releasing a ton of content for free that demonstrates conclusively that you know what you are talking about.

If you do this effectively then the sale effectively makes itself, since your potential customers have bought into you already and are keen to make you the solution to their problem.

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