past future

The Safe Route May Not Be The Safe Route Anymore

The problem with the safe route is that it may not be the safe route anymore. In fact it almost certainly isn’t.

We all get stuck in our comfort zones. We all have this idea of who we are, or what our lives should look like, of the things we need around us to be, well, us.

I do, anyway. I have had a very strong sense of the person I am (or want to be). I have for the last (almost) twenty years had the same career, which I have largely hated. I have also developed very strong attachments to certain people, geographical locations and a few possessions.

All of this is now up in the air. It has to be. Because if I don’t question every element of my personality and situation then I risk falling into quicksand of my own making, that will suck me down into mediocrity and despair.

Someone wiser than me once told me that if nothing changes then nothing changes. He was right.

But sometimes change just isn’t enough. Sometimes you need more than mere change. Sometimes nothing short of revolution is required.

After all, if you’re going to change, why not change big?

It will be scary, yes. But it will also be exhilarating. And necessary.

Because the truth is that the safe isn’t safe anymore. Not in 2017, where everything is moving so quickly and huge change comes about so suddenly and unexpectedly. The worst thing about a comfort zone is not so much the comfort that it affords, but the fact that that comfort is in fact illusory. It’s chewing gum heroin. You’re kidding yourself. There is no comfort zone. There is no safety. Only an endless playing field that will only be mastered by those with the balls and vision to take risks.

So take risks. Take big risks. Why not? You only live once. And if you fail to then there can be no doubt you will be left behind, damning your lack of courage, jealous of those who shot past you to glory.

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  1. Nice read!
    Its like the old saying-
    Treasures lie on the other side of your fear…

    1. Thanks for the comment, Matt. Yes, exactly – that’s a great saying.

      Cheers, Troy.

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