Ruthless Self-Analysis Is Essential To Achieve The Freedom You Crave

Ruthless self-analysis is essential to achieve the freedom you crave. Why? Because it is only when you fully understand yourself and know what it is you really want that you will be in a position to get it.

Self-analysis doesn’t sound that hard and it isn’t, but the world around us makes it difficult. Why? Because there is too much white noise blocking everything else out. In a world where YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, 24 hour news, WhatsApp and so on all compete for our attention,  it can be really hard to listen to that inner voice trying to tell us what’s up.

But that inner voice is vital—far more so than whatever video has just popped up on your Facebook feed, or that latest Instagram Story your girlfriend posted. So important is your will, or your ‘directing mind’, as Marcus Aurelius calls it in his Meditations, that failure to listen to it and follow its counsel will affect your health and could even kill you.

Is that melodramatic? No, I don’t think it is.

The truth is that human beings have a very strong inner drive based on the kind of life we would like to live, the skills we have to offer and the value we can bring to others. We are also driven to live life on our own terms and to our own design.

You can ignore that drive all you want. You can suppress it with alcohol, drugs, TV, sex, shopping, social media and games. But it won’t go away. And every day you live without following your true north–your purpose–will be another reminder that you sold out. That you are living a lie.

I firmly believe that a life led this way is corrosive and damaging. I myself have lived such a life for many years. I have been aware of this fact, but I have used the distraction techniques listed above to try to forget about it. To ‘treat myself’ to take my mind off an existence that has gone wildly off course.

No more. Now, finally, I have put in train changes—big changes—that will alter the course of my life forever.

These are not actions I take lightly. I’m not a man who takes decisions on a whim. But because I have subjected myself to ruthless self-examination over the last few months, these actions now seem obvious. Why wouldn’t I do that—and why didn’t I do it before? I’m thinking. While previously I might have been afraid or uncertain, now I’m excited and hungry for change.

How to conduct ruthless self-examination? It’s incredibly simple, but you need to take action. That action is this: you must get as far away from all familiar external influences as you can. 

I don’t care where you go. I don’t even care for how long. Maybe you want to go to Tibet and meditate on a mountain for a week. Alternatively, just a few hours in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of the city can be sufficient. The important thing is that you commit to getting away, by yourself, with no other agenda than to think deeply about yourself and your life.

You can listen to music if you want. You don’t have to try to focus your thoughts. But you must get away and you must be alone. Walking helps. Just put your head down and lose yourself in your thoughts. There should be no agenda, no outcome, no ‘deliverables’. You should instead aim to lose yourself in a meditative state. For it is here, in deep communion with yourself, that you will find the answers you need.

Repeat this exercise as many times as you want. Do it in different places. Try long and short iterations. Do what you have to do. Do what feels right. For it is only once the answers have become clear to you and your future direction is mapped out that you will be in a position to pivot, and make those changes in your life that will bring you freedom.

To order your copy of my new game book HOW TO BE AN ASSH*LE (THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN LOVE) click here. 

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Read More: How To Be An Assh*le That Beautiful Women Love 


  1. Troy – Great advice! Thanks for taking the time to remind us men to take action and understand that putting a business plan together takes lots of initiative and clear thinking!!! You rock!!!

  2. Now I’m actually curious, what is that life change of yours?

    1. Watch this space 😉

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