personal brand mastery

Why The Renegade Playboy Is Recession-Proof

The renegade playboy deliberately untangles himself from societally-approved structures and build his own instead.

In this way he ensures that he is less vulnerable to external shocks like a recession.

Why? Because the renegade playboy is at root a sensualist. In other words, he is here to have a good time. And he doesn’t want to let some minor stupidity like political or economic ineptitude stand in the way of him having it.

A slightly different way of looking at this is that he will work incredibly hard now so he can be idle later on.

Which is why it is essential that in time the renegade playboy becomes self-employed.

Actually, there are various reasons for it. For one, you can’t very well call yourself a ‘renegade playboy’ if you have to get up at 6am every day at someone else’s behest, and have to be in the office for the staff meeting by 9am.

Well, that hardly screams ‘liberty’ does it?


And look, when you got into all of this in the first place, it was predominantly for the girls, wasn’t it?

You wanted to be able to date who you wanted, when you wanted, where you wanted.

Well, a full-time job gets in the way of that—severely. Working full-time means you can’t go on dates in the daytime, and often even midweek meet-ups become problematic since you have to get up so early in the morning. Plus some nights you have to stay in the office until 8pm or even later.

Which is why, when you look at renegade playboys globally, you will see that the most successful are either independently wealthy, unemployed, freelancing or consulting, or earning a passive income from a business.

The last option is the most popular one for discussion on men’s self-improvement Twitter and websites. Largely because it is the most achievable (if you are not already rich) and teachable. It is also, for a great many men. extremely attractive, since it equals self-determination, creative freedom and so on.

I gave up my full-time corporate job in November 2017, and so for nearly a year I have been self-employed, working on building this personal brand.

Just recently, my monthly income has begun to exceed what I was being paid in salary previously. 

Any way you look at it, this is a significant win. The reason that many people feel unable to leave their 9-5s comes down to money- ‘How do I know I’ll be able to make enough to live on?‘ goes the refrain.

Well, my experience shows that not only can you earn enough, you can earn more than enough.

But money aside, there’s something even more significant about the self-employed renegade playboy’s position that is huge—he has made himself recession-proof.

Why? Well, consider this. America may be getting great again across the Atlantic, but here in Britain economic rumblings abound.Whether or not you voted for Brexit, the fact is that the UK’s exit is likely—at minimum—to cause some economic turbulence over the next couple of years.

After all, why wouldn’t it? No one can reasonably have expected that leaving behind 45 years-worth of legal interconnectedness would be entirely plain-sailing, and even the most optimistic for the longer-term future of the UK’s prospects must concede that the road getting us there may be a little bumpy.

What this could mean is job losses as companies either move or reconfigure or even go out of business.

And the renegade playboy, having set up his passive income stream in advance, is protected.

Well, no-one’s going to fire him, are they?

And if his income is from an online business then all the better, since his potential pool of customers is global rather than local. So even if, in the worst case scenario, the UK economy did tank, it wouldn’t affect him so much since he’d simultaneously be doing business in other countries as well.

He is hedged against any potential downturn.

Let The Good Times Roll

Why is this important? Well, for one thing no-one likes worrying over whether or not one will hang onto a job one doesn’t particularly like anyway—that’s hardly a recipe for enjoying life.

But even more importantly, as I said earlier, the playboy’s main concern is with keeping the good times rolling. Why should worries about your job, or having to interview for new positions, or whatever, stop you from having a great time with the ladies, while travelling, partying and so on.

Life really is too short to let a recession get in the way of a good time.

All of which is exactly why I began my own personal brand freedom business. And my course, Personal Brand Mastery, which teaches you how to do the same, is out tomorrow at a cost of $197 (although there are still a one or two spots left for $99 if you hurry and go here now).

There is no doubt that, without my business, I would not be able to live the life of richness and pleasure that I do now, and I would also be a lot more worried about the state of the economy and ‘what might happen.’

Because as things stand, I can be very nimble and adaptable to change. I can move wherever I want on the planet—so, somewhere much cheaper than London if I wanted to. I can launch new products and go into new markets whenever I choose. I can do special deals on my products, or increase prices.

Really, anything is possible. And when you’re part of a big organisation that’s not the case. You have to play by their rules and the ship usually turns very slowly indeed.

The renegade playboy values freedom above all else. The freedom to do what he wants with his time, live where he likes and date whomever he wants. He also reserves the right to be recession-proof, having little appetite for going down on the same ship as everyone else.

And as such, if there’s a better model for him than either being rich already, or a personal brand freedom business, then I have yet to see it.

If you want the chance of securing a place on Personal Brand Mastery for just $99 before the price doubles (limited to the first ten who apply only) then join my daily email list for instructions here