What Is PUNK PERSUASION And How Can It Help You Build A Profitable Business?

The problem with a lot of advice about how to influence other people—whether that’s in terms of sales, sex, business or your social life—-it that it’s too damn nice. 

We’ve all read the self-development books that tell us if we only present ourselves in the right way and become more appealing then everything will go great. And we’ve all read the marketing advice that says that ‘the customer is always right’ and that we shouldn’t do anything to offend.

Well, those may have been to old rules. But this is 2018 and there is a new game in town.


PUNK PERSUASION is not hiding your rough edges.
PUNK PERSUASION is never trying to be ‘nice’
PUNK PERSUASION is authenticity over pretty packaging
PUNK PERSUASION is being yourself with the volume turned up to 11 – even if that offends some people
PUNK PERSUASION is about keeping it gritty and sharing your vulnerability, pain and the disasters you’ve experienced
PUNK PERSUASION is the final word in non-neediness

When you’re building a personal brand online to free yourself from the grind of the 9-5, PUNK PERSUASION is key. Why? Because pretty much whatever niche you decide to get into, you can bet your life someone else will have got there first.

As a result, the only chance you’ve got for really grabbing people and speaking directly to them is through radical differentiation. To put it another way, you need to be very different to everyone else. And when you do that you are leveraging PUNK PERSUASION.

Think for a moment why you say ‘yes’ to someone. Think about why you buy from certain people and not from others. In general, you choose a particular realtor not because of the details of their offer, but because they make you FEEL something. That thing might be: trust, coolness, authenticity, excitement, exhilaration—and even fear, in the case of a scary movie.

What few if any successful brands do is tone down their essence to make a buck.

You shouldn’t either.

In fact, you must go the other way. You want to be bigger than yourself. You need to shout louder and more clearly. You have to accentuate your difference to everyone else and to hell with the consequences.

Some will hate you. But others will love you. They will become devoted fans and buy from you forever.

And that is PUNK PERSUASION in a nutshell.

Get it right, and you can use it for business, for your social life and even in dating.

More on this very important topic soon . . .

By the way, if you haven’t already, do sign up for my DAILY email, which is packed full of actionable tips and techniques, here: eepurl.com/dp3b39