
Where Do You Turn For Protection? | Degenerate Diaries

Where do you turn for protection?

Because right now, in the midst of this crisis, it’s a natural human instinct to hope that some higher agency will come in and sort everything out. Of course, you might be a stone-cold alpha type who scoffs at such a notion. Well, fine – congratulations.

But let’s not pretend that many people don’t look to others – their wives and girlfriends, employers, governments, strongman leaders, and even God – to nurture and protect them when shit hits the fan. Well, it’s understandable. But perhaps the biggest and bitterest ‘red pill’ you can swallow is that NOTHING AND NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU.

Yeah, I guess that sounds kind of grim. But it needn’t be – just bear with me for a minute. You see the fact of the matter is that we are born alone, and we die alone. The only person you can truly rely on to love you unconditionally is your mother – maybe. And even that isn’t true for everyone. We hear stories of babies being abandoned all the time. When you grow up to become and adult and you go out into society, because as a generation we have been somewhat mollycoddled and wrapped in cotton wool, there is an underlying expectation that someone else out there will carry the can if things go wrong. in the UK you’re protected if you lose your job, if you fall ill (with the National Health Service), and we have all sorts of employment rights and all the rest of it.

Now, I’m not saying that this is a bad thing, and in fact the standard of living for the average person has risen HUGELY over the the last 70 years or so. But as we’re (perhaps) beginning to see now, the state only has so much resource. Its ability to look after you can only stretch so far. And when a ‘black swan’ event takes place that weighs heavily on available resources . . . well, things start to fray at the edges.

The same could be said for marriage too. In the west we’re sold this idea that your partner is your ‘rock’. That they will be there for you no matter what – especially when you get married. While I’m not contending that EVERYONE is out to do you wrong, the fact is that people are inherently self-interested. And when push comes to shove, if you marry a woman who, after a while, decides that her needs may be better met elsewhere then how long do you realistically think she’s going to hang around? 

It’s true of employers, of course. Well, we all know that the old ‘job-for-life’ expectation is dead these days. There is no loyalty in the employment market, from either the employer or employee’s side. All of this is a long way of making the point that you really can’t rely on anyone else except yourself. That’s not to say that you won’t meet allies along the way. But in the end you must face facts – the only person you can 100% rely on is yourself.

But this is not a bad thing – far from it. Because once you’ve grasped the fact that you need to be intentional and autonomous in all areas of your life from dating to business to your politics – then you can begin the hugely enjoyable and rewarding process of self-ownership.

On that note, if you’re interested in exploring the idea of making an income online then do check out my course PERSONAL BRAND MASTERY here. It’s on sale at £97 (reduced from £297) for the month of April.

This article was previously an email to my subscriber list. If you’d like this content sent to you Mon – Fri each week then sign up for my daily email here

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*Image royalty free and taken from Unsplash