if you want to beat anxiety and depression and feel happy read this book


My new book 10X HAPPINESS, ZERO BULLSHIT is out on Amazon this FRIDAY 29th June!
This one digs deep—if your life has ever felt as though it’s not quite where you’d like it then this is the book for you.

I go right down to the depths, telling you exactly what it was like when I was in deep depression and alcohol addiction. And how I climbed out of that hole to get to where I am today—free, self-employed, artistically-fulfilled, and yes, happy.

I also let you in on some of the secrets of how I built a personal brand up to the point where I was able to give up my job and work as a writer and entrepreneur full-time.

And the great news is, I give away 7 simple steps that you can follow to kill your demons and live a great life.


Each day this week I’ll be sharing a sneak preview of the book on the website, so you can get a flavour for it.

The pre-order for the book is not yet up on Amazon, but I’ll let you know as soon as it is.

Here’s today’s extract, from the beginning of the book. This explains what the book is for.


What This Book Is For

If you are unhappy, or if you are not experiencing the degree of happiness that you wish you were, this book is for you. It doesn’t offer a miracle cure — I am not a magician any more than I am a doctor. What it does give you, though, is seven principles that I used to get out of misery and into a state which, on a good day — most days these days — is 10X happier than I ever was before. .


Look, life is life. Let’s be realistic about this. Bad shit is going to happen to you. It happens to all of us. People will die. You will lose friends. You will lose money. You will get sick. And so on. You can’t prevent those things from occurring and you can’t prevent the feelings they will bring up in you.


You won’t — whatever method you use — wind up walking around as though you’ve taken a bunch of pills the whole time. Unless you actually take a bunch of pills. But even then… you will come down. You will face withdrawals. There will be side effects.


What this book does is give you a roadmap that I, and many other people, have used to pull themselves out of the hole and give themselves a good shot at 10X-ing their happiness for today. The principles in this book are not new. I have not invented them. They are informed by age-old wisdom I have gratefully received from others in my own life: from Buddhism, from traditional religions and spiritualties, and from the 12-step program used to rehabilitate alcoholics and addicts. They are the product of the ages with the one truly great advantage that they actually work. Again, I’m serious. If you actually do this stuff (along with whatever your doctor tells you to do) it will work. You will have a better life. You will have a 10X-ed, happy life.


As you will come to see, I personally am indebted to the 12 steps for the quality of life that I enjoy now. But I don’t intend this book to be a 12-step manual, or, God forbid, a replacement for them. If you have a problem with drink or drugs (or some behavior, like sex, or making yourself throw up) then you must get treatment. And you probably will need to enter a relevant organisation and work the 12-steps themselves fully.


What this book offers is a variety of ideas taken from different sources — including the 12 steps — that show you how I got happy, and how you can do the same. After all, not everyone has a problem with addiction. Only a minority do, just as only a minority have clinical depression. But a lot of people struggle with unhappiness throughout their lives. And the steps you can take to remedy this are remarkably similar to the ones that addicts use. We’re all addicts in our own way. Even if it’s only drama or our own misery we are addicted to.


The good news, though, is that you can 10X your happiness through these simple ideas. And you will. Some of it might be a little hard to take at first, but bear with it. Much of the time — as long as we’re following our doctors’ orders — the real enemy to progress is ourselves. It was only once I learned to get over myself that my life really started to get good, and even now I have to give myself a kick up the ass every now and again.


I hope this book does that for you.


By the way, if you haven’t already, do sign up for my DAILY email, which is packed full of actionable tips and advice on personal brand building, entrepreneurship and freedom here: eepurl.com/dp3b39


  1. Finally, looking forward to it! Great work 💪

    1. Cheers man, many thanks. Let me know what you think! Troy

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