
Why YOU Need My NEW Happiness Book In Your Life

As you’ve probably heard by now, my new book 10X HAPPINESS, ZERO BULLSHIT is out on Amazon this FRIDAY 29th June!
This one digs deep—if your life has ever felt as though it’s not quite where you’d like it then this is the book for you.

I go right down to the depths, telling you exactly what it was like when I was in deep depression and alcohol addiction. And how I climbed out of that hole to get to where I am today—free, self-employed, artistically-fulfilled, and yes, happy.

I also let you in on some of the secrets of how I built a personal brand up to the point where I was able to give up my job and work as a writer and entrepreneur full-time.

And the great news is, I give away 7 simple steps that you can follow to kill your demons and live a great life.


Each day this week I’ll be sharing a sneak preview of the book on the website, so you can get a flavour for it.

The pre-order for the book is not yet up on Amazon, but I’ll let you know as soon as it is.

Here’s today’s extract I get into what this book means for YOU, and why you need it in your life.




What Does All Of This Mean For You?


So what does all of this mean for you? And what might a successful endgame look like?


What I am aiming for in this book is very simply to take you from a place of unhappiness (assuming that’s where you are now) to 10X happiness. And by that — to recap — I mean, to a place where you are able to find joy in living in the world.


I will do that by showing you exactly what I did, precisely the process I took, the same that millions of other people like me have also taken to 10X my happiness. As we go through the necessary stages I will also explain why they are important and precisely how they have been beneficial for me.


I don’t want to waste your time. I’m shooting for all killer, no filler here. And I hate self-development when it gets esoteric. Just believe in yourself. OK: what the fuck does that mean? Why should someone who hates themselves suddenly ‘believe’ instead? And in what particular aspect are we asking them to believe? And on what basis? All the time? Even when they are patently in the wrong?


I won’t give you platitudes. I will give you stuff that works. And I know it works because it’s the stuff that’s helped me through the dark times and given me a great life — most of the time. Again, I’m not a miracle worker. You will still experience ups and downs. This is about 10X-ing your happinness for an overall net gain in quality of life, not some imaginary utopia no one will really find no matter what they do.


I’m also not saying that you won’t find a couple of the concepts that follow a little bit on the woolly side when you are first introduced. Come on — this is a fucking self-development book! There was always going to be a little bit of that. I even — shock, horror — talk a little bit about spirituality. Not too much, though. I promise.


All I can say is, read with an open mind. Try out the ideas before you dismiss them. I went from being suicidal and unable to function in any meaningful degree, to a highly-motivated, high-functioning individual. And in order to get there I tried a lot of different things, including — as I’ve said — therapy and medication, as well as hedonism, CBT, hypnosis and many other more arcane solutions.


The ones that I present to you here are the only ones that actually worked.


I lay out a process for you. It won’t happen overnight. You will have to commit. You will have to work through it. You’ll have to take the suggestions seriously and be sincere in implementing them. There may be barriers in your way that you’ll have to knock down — societal, mental limiting beliefs — and so on. You’ll have to replace ineffective habits and ways of thinking with new ones that serve you better. It won’t be easy. You may find yourself resistant. You may not want to do something just because a fucking book told you to do it.


But this is serious. This is your life. I know what it is like to see your life in pieces in front of you. Or as a fetid swamp, sucking in everything in its wake. But you can get out of that swamp. There is a different way. I explain in, right here in this book. And when you start living this way, then you will discover meaning, and yes, happiness, like you’ve never known before.



I hope you enjoyed the extract – let me know your thoughts below.

By the way, if you haven’t already, do sign up for my DAILY email, which is packed full of actionable tips and advice on personal brand building, entrepreneurship and freedom here NOW.