
The Huge Power In Having A Mentor For Dating, Business & In Life

Recently I’ve been working with a number of men on a one-on-one basis to help them to improve their dating and sex lives.

In general, I do this over Skype, or in-person in London (and other cities generally in Europe).

Skype Coaching Calls 

When I work with a client on Skype, we first do a deep dive into the guy’s background – his history with women, his relationship successes and failures, his skills and his weaknesses.

Most importantly of all, we discuss, in detail, what he hopes to gain from his sessions.

That preparatory work completed, we then agree a plan for how we can best work together over the short, medium or long-term. We book in a series of Skype sessions – usually one a week – and in these ‘meetings’ we sit down together and discuss progress.

The benefit to the client is threefold – for a start, he gets direct access to me and my experience – not only in my own life, but also that gleaned from all the other guys I’ve counselled.

Secondly, he gets accountability – that is, since he knows that he has a call coming up with me at a set time each week, he has a far greater incentive to do the work than someone who’s winging it by themselves. 

Research shows that accountability plays a HUGE part in helping people to become successful in many different spheres – and it’s no different in your personal life than it is in the professional arena.

Thirdly, the client derives a boost from the positive encouragement I give him. Of course, it goes without saying that part of the job of a coach is to be tough and to call people out when they’re not doing the work. And I cover this off – my services are only intended for men who are really serious about getting better with women, and relationships.

However, it doesn’t do anyone any good to feel that they are constantly failing to meet expectations. And for that reason a big part of what I do is to be a source of positive encouragement for those I counsel.

Let’s face it, we get enough flack out there in the dating arena already, and everyone needs a cheerleader from time to time.

Skype consultation periods can go on for as little as one session, or for multiple years – it all depends on what you need right now, and how best we can work together.

Which is why my service is entirely bespoke – there’s on ‘one size fits all’ solution.

Mentoring is essential for growth

Anyway, the point of all of this is that you can’t beat actual mentoring – that is, personal contact with another human being who has been there and done what you’re aiming to do.

Yes, you can read all the books in the world. But there’s something about a personalised interaction with a coach that is – to put it mildly – life-changing.

If my coaching sounds like it could save you from years of hard work and disappointment (SPOILER: IT WILL!) then get in touch with me now by emailing me on

If we’re a good fit to work together then I’l put some time in the diary for our first session.

Live the life you want, not the life you think you should.

To read the rest grab your copy of my latest book APPROACH HER LIKE CHAD go here 

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To read my last article – on BDSM – go here






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    1. The ebook version has been removed while we make some updates to it.

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