men's fashion

Men’s Fashion – Dressing Well As A Man | Degenerate Diaries

There’s no point in pretending that dressing well does not give you an advantage socially, at work and when meeting women.

It does.

Yes, there are other things you could argue are more important, like your confidence, how you carry yourself and so on. But if you dress like a boss then you will do better than if you don’t. It’s really as simple as that.

So let’s get right into it. Of course, the truth is that style is a huge, huge subject. There are whole websites dedicated to it, and one article can’t compete with that level of detail.

Nevertheless there are a few things that I always bear in mind with clothes that I wanted to share. They’ve stood me in good stead over the years and they will you too.

1. The 3 key things you need to know about style

There are three key elements of dressing you must keep at the forefront of your mind. They are fit, form and flourish.

– Fit

The fit of any garment is so important. Certainly more important than who designed it and where you bought it for. A shirt from a top brand that is baggy and fits you badly will look worse than a well-fitting shirt from Primark.

Of course, it’s nice to have expensive clothes, but try everything on first and make sure it fits, particularly around the shoulders, waist and torso generally. If the fit is poor then either don’t buy the garment or take it to a tailor and have it altered.

– Form

Now we get into the fabrics that your clothes are made of. Always try to buy natural rather than synthetic—wool, cotton, silk etc. Polyester, or ‘polyester mixes’ are just not as good quality.

This is where spending a little more money on certain items of clothing—especially shirts, suits, blazers and coats—is a good idea. Because the problem with that Primark shirt is that while it may look great the first time you wear it, after a couple of months that may not be the case.

– Flourish

Every item of clothing you buy—or most of them—should have a flourish of some kind. Something that makes it stand out and be memorable. This could be something like a colourful lining in a suit jacket, button holes that with different coloured stitching, fancy socks and so on.

Warning—I am not advising you to go all-out wacky here. The aim is not to look like a DJ at a tacky nightclub. This is about details, not the overall picture, which, needless to say, should be cool.

2. The most important dressing skill

The most important dressing skill you can acquire is the ability to create a striking silhouette.

What do I mean by that?

Basically, you have to think about the whole outfit, not just this shirt, or that pair of shoes, or whatever. Every day when you get up you have to have a clear idea of the kind of overall ‘look’ you are aiming for.

And you have to ensure that you achieve it without having items that jar with the intended picture.

Of course, the best tool you can get to help with this is a full-length mirror. The next best tool you can get is the honest opinion of a good friend. Use both frequently.

3. What women think of how you dress

Basically, women think a great deal more of you if you dress well.

A while ago I began dating a girl who works in one of London’s most exclusive department stores, in one of the most expensive sections. When I spoke to her for initially, the very first thing she mentioned was my coat, which she said looked like a ‘Putin coat’ (it is long, dark with furry collars—it has a kind of Russian military vibe about it).

She later told me that it was the coat that swung it for her, and the fact that I was a guy with the confidence to dress up sealed her attraction to me.


Clearly, the specific style you choose is a very personal thing and will depend on all number of different factors. But if you bear these general principles in mind then your style game will improve exponentially. If you’d like more content on style and clothes then let me know, as it’s something I’d be keen to cover more.  


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