personal brand

How To Make A Video For YouTube If You Are No Good At Making Videos

I made another video for YouTube. You can watch it below.

Here’s the deal. I’m a good writer (Creative Writing MA (distinction) London University).

I’m an OK podcaster.

I’m not the world’s greatest video creator (yet). On either side of the camera.

But I want to do video. Why? Because I’m an egomaniacal obsessive determined to grasp worldwide fame.

Only joking (or am I?)

Seriously, I want to share my message with as many people as possible. And all of us has to concede that, increasingly, video is where it’s at.

Whether YouTube is where it’s at is another matter. Yes, you can do video on Instagram (which I do). Yes, the bar is very high on YT. Yes, it will probably take ages to build up a big audience over there.

But to my mind there remains one HUGE advantage to YouTube: it’s a search engine, and your content stays up forever (or for as long as you leave it there, anyway).

In that way, it becomes another avenue through which people can find you and engage with your content.

I’ve just started making videos about personal brand because . . . well, because I’m obsessed with personal brand. But more than that, I have a personal brand course coming out next month. And the more content there is out there with my name on it that references ‘personal brand’, the better.

All of which means that I need to get better making videos.

And I will—I already am.

Just from a presentation point of view, if you look at the stuff I was doing a year ago compared with the one I put out today, you’ll see the improvement.

Slowly I’m ironing out the tics and the annoying gestures.

But I want to get even better. I want to look totally natural on camera.

Why? Because I believe it is an essential skill.

As Hank Norman says, ‘it is your obligation to get famous’.

Well, I’m getting famous, one video at a time.

So if you’re no good at making videos for YouTube but you want to make them, what do you do?

Here’s your answer—you make videos for YouTube.

As Hank says, ‘press record’.

That’s it.

Like everything in life, there are no shortcuts and there is no ‘easy way around’.

It might be that you are more predisposed to a certain skill. If so, great. If not, suck it up and do the work. Fail then fail better. All that self-motivational bullshit.

Anyway, here’s the video. I’d really appreciate it is you like it, share it with every single member of your family and all your friends and then subscribe to my channel. And get them to subscribe too.

That would really help. Thanks.

By the way, if you like the cool pic of me on the thumbnail, it was taken by my friend Drew Kaplan in Berlin. He’s a great photographer. You should check him out on Instagram @drewkaplanphotography

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