
Why Introverts Are The Most Creative People On Earth

The best ideas come to you in solitude.

I have a theory that the reason that introverts tend to be creatives is because, spending more time alone, they are more susceptible to inspiration.

In this throwback episode of The Modern Casanova podcast (ep. 39) I discuss how being an introvert has helped me as a creative entrepreneur in building my personal brand online. Listen to the show now by clicking the play button on the image below.

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  1. Hi Troy, big fan of your site and books.

    Feel free to quote me on this as a springboard to an article or podcast as I feel like you’re trailblazing on this one and you’re a voice who needs to be louder.

    Why has pickup been infested with Alt Right, White Supremacy crap? Little lost boys running around with MAGA hats on, obsessed with racial purity. RVF, Krauser, Heartiste, heck, even Rollo is sucking the dick of Jordan ‘NeoCon’ Peterson, Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson. They’re always angry, always whining and giving a bad name to the fun that is talking to girls.

    Peace out šŸ˜€


    1. Hey man, thanks for the comment!

      Yes, interesting topic – I was discussing this with someone else in the pickup arena just recently.

      The short answer is I don’t know why, but I’ve got no interest in that stuff and certainly don’t want to be associated with it in any way.

      I think there is a longer article or piece of content in this, but need to give it some thought about how to approach it.

      How do you feel about the ‘sphere turning in that direction? I’m guessing it’s putting you off . . . ?



      1. The Alt Reich’ as I like to call it have a huge purity fantast problem where they want to save THEIR girls from the BAD MEN INVADERS. It’s so beta beyond belief. You should ditch your association with Roosh man it’s so opposite to your brand.

        1. I want to take issue with your comment with regards to Roosh. He is not in any way in that group. In his past writing, he has explicitly stated that he is not a part of that.

  2. Somewhere I remember reading that nothing great came from consensus. Great ideas are the result of ONE mind. ( Nikola Tesla, Frank Lloyd Wright, Carroll Shelby, etc. etc.) A consensus always leads to mediocrity.

    1. Yes, I would agree 100% with that!

      ‘Collaboration’ is overrated in modern corporations.



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