
In Praise Of Arrogance

Arrogance is one of those traits that we are meant to hide.

‘Don’t be arrogant’, you probably got told at one time or another. ‘It makes you look like a dick. People will hate you.’

Well, yes and no.

Arrogance does make a person look like a dick in one sense. But it also paints than as an aspirational dick.

What I mean by that is, people around you can’t help but think, ‘If he thinks he’s so great, there must be something to him’.

Whether there’s any substance to that or not is irrelevant. Because, all things being equal, the arrogant man will receive more plaudits, and more respect from those around him (albeit grudging) than his humble counterpart.

This means that if you put on a show of arrogance—even if you are not a genuinely arrogant person—then you will find that others are drawn to you.

It works both in seduction, where arrogance bordering on narcissism is ridiculously attractive, and in marketing.

The latter might surprise you. ‘But surely the customer is always right? Surely it’s better to be the nice guy when you are trying to sell yourself and your services?

Not necessarily. Of course, I’m not suggesting that you are rude to people, or dismissive. But a hint of arrogance goes a long way.

There are a great many internet marketers who have done very well out of this tactic, as well as rock stars, celebrity chefs, businessmen, actors and so on.

The fact is that we are all as gullible as Barnum’s audiences. More than that, we want to be taken in. And when someone acts arrogantly, against our better judgement, we believe there must be some justification for it.

If the business world is a circus, then we are its breathless audience, watching the imperious lion-tamer, never once suspecting that the animals he so adroitly masters are drugged.

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