improve your dating life with this one tip

Renegade Dating: One Simple Tip To Improve Your Dating Success

So you want to improve the quality or the quantity of the women you meet? Well, you’re not alone. Many other guys do too. To that end they spend hours reading blogs, forums and books or swapping advice in person.

The majority would love to be given a magic bullet—that one piece of advice that would transform their interactions for good, and elevate them to the status of master players instantly.

Of course, the truth is that magic bullets do not exist. Successfully attracting multiple women, like any other discipline, usually requires hard work and sustained effort over a long period of time. This breaks down into many diverse areas that are discussed at length by different goo-roos: style, personal grooming, storytelling, passing tests etc.

But if someone were to hold a gun to my head and ask me to supply them with the one tip that transformed my game since I started learning about this stuff, then without question I would say the following:

‘Whatever you do, make sure you touch her.’

Touch is the single element that separates the friend from the lover, the all-vanquishing Casanova from the sad lovelorn schlub.

Say you’re on a date. Start innocuously — shake her hand, touch her forearm to make a point, her upper back etc. Then, once she’s comfortable with that, and you are also escalating verbally, then hold her hand. Finally, pull her towards you and proceed to kiss her.

If she is uncomfortable at any point she will let you know, and then you must cool off for a bit. But otherwise keep going. Even if you’re not used to it, even if it feels incongruous. Just do it.

Touch in itself creates attraction, and it is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for doing so.

Without touch, the friendzone yawns like a vast, inhospitable chasm before you.

Neglect it at your peril.

Live the life you want, not the life you think you

If you would like to learn how you can escape the matrix and live the renegade playboy life by building your own personal brand business online, go here. 



About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.


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