
I Am Fucking Awesome

I am fucking awesome.

Am I really, though? It’s a matter of opinion, I guess. Subjective. How is awesomeness measured anyway?

There is not, as far as I’m aware, a universally-agreed scale.

But none of that matters. The important thing is that I go out into the world believing to my core that I am fucking awesome.

You should do the same thing.

There are far too many people out there who think we’re not awesome. I should know—I’ve met a hell of a lot of them. But are they right?

As I’ve said, there is no universally-agreed scale.

This is why you get people who divide opinion. A lot of people think Donald Trump is fucking awesome. A lot of people don’t.

Who’s right?

The fact is that no-one is right about anything because in the end we are a bunch of basic bitch animals roaming around a planet that will be destroyed utterly by fire at which point all trace of our activities and accomplishments will be eradicated from the universe forever.

And after that the universe will be destroyed too. 

In that context, being ‘right’ about something is small beans.

In the West we pretty much agreed that there isn’t a god some time ago. But we haven’t yet come up with a replacement, other than maybe Kim Kardashian or Kanye West.

Without having to adhere to the rulebook that god bequeathed us we are rudderless. Life is absurd.

But then you knew that already, didn’t you?

This is why I am fucking awesome. Because no-one can say I’m not. I’m sorry, conservatives, but postmodernism won. One person can look at my website and say it’s a pile of garbage. Someone else can say it’s a work of art.

Who’s right—neither? Both? Who really cares? The people who like it like it. And everything is temporary anyway.

Life is absurd. But you can take advantage of that. Recognise that there is no rule book anymore. Recognise that individual people’s opinions don’t matter. The world is big enough for you to find your own tribe, the girls that like you, people that will love you. The internet will help you connect with them.

And when you interact with the world from a baseline of awesomeness then the world will bequeath many gifts to you. When you interact with it from a place of weakness and doubt it will destroy you.

I am fucking awesome. And so are you. And for today that is enough.

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