if you want to meet hot girls in the gym like this then you need to watch this video

How To Meet A Hot Girl At The Gym

Several guys have asked me recently about gym game—is it possible, is it advisable, and if so how best to go about it? To answer the first two points, yes it’s possible and yes it’s advisable—depending on the set-up in your particular gym.

Like most men who are reading this—I hope—I go to the gym regularly, and have been for many years. Given that all the gyms I’ve been a member of have been unisex I’ve encountered a lot of attractive girls doing so. And being into game, I haven’t wasted the opportunity to approach many of them.

Let’s deal with objections first. The most common reason I’ve heard guys give for not doing gym game is that they go there a lot and may see the girl again. It’s a variation on the ‘don’t shit where you eat’ rationale.

Actually, I think there is some validity in this. If you are really serious about your gym programme, which you should be, and you train at a venue where the customer base is small and you run into the same people time and again, then fair enough, it shouldn’t be your first port of call for pickup. Your focus should absolutely be on your physique and fitness first.

However, the truth is that most gyms have a fairly transient membership, especially in large cities. After all, the ‘new year’ effect is well known: you January recruits hogging the benches, free weights and machines for a month or so before they give up and things return to normal once more.

As such, if you do it right, approaching in this environment can be a good thing as you may never see her again otherwise.

By the way, do subscribe to my YouTube channel and drop me a like and a comment – cheers!

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