How Soon Should You ‘Next’ A Hot Girl?

Guys will often come to me and ask what they should do about this or that girl. Maybe they’re texting and she’s blowing hot and cold. Maybe they’ve been out on a date and she’s stopped replying to messages since. Or worse, maybe it’s some girl they haven’t even approached yet who appears to be giving them mixed messages. The answer in all of these situations is the same, and it’s very simple: you should give her a couple of chances at most and then next her immediately.

As I’ve said time and again, the only true answer to problems with under-invested women (since that’s really what we’re talking about here. Do you think she’d keep Justin Bieber waiting for a WhatsApp message) is to not care because you have so many other irons in the damn fire that whether or not she sends a reply to your text is of as little consequence to you as the sex lives of the ants that live in the brickwork of your apartment.

The thing about doing cold approach pick-up is that you essentially become a day trader, playing the market. And the thing about the market is that it entails a great many factors and fluctuations that remain out of your control, and which may not even be apparent to you.

I tweeted yesterday that what appear to be the strongest numbers will often flake, while the flakiest will often convert. There is no rhyme or reason to it, apparently–except really there is: she so either not interested in you but flattered by the attention or she has something else going on on the side.

Yes, even that sweet angel who looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth may well be getting a good seeing to on the quiet elsewhere.

If that’s the case, or if she simply isn’t that bothered about you, then this is not a situation you really want to be in. So don’t be. Pull back. Withdraw. Desist.

Don’t waste any more time wondering what technique might work, or emailing me to ask if this or that trick might alter the status quo. No. You’ve already presented your pitch. You’ve rolled up the shutters and revealed your product—yourself—and it’s been met with a resounding ‘meh’.

Any attempt at re-selling after the fact will either turn off the potential buyer more if she doesn’t fancy you, or will diminish her attraction for you if she does but has some reason for not engaging at the present time (a boyfriend for example).

Your energy when you are dealing with cases of low interest is much better spent developing other prospects, that is, approaching, texting, following up etc.

By all means keep the other girl in your phone and ping her from time to time if you like—you never know, after all. But don’t hold out too much hope and don’t waste your time on her.

A rule of thumb in game I learned the hard way is this: if you’re spending more time thinking about her than she likely is about you then you will never see her naked.

Want to find out how to approach and seduce sexy girls? Buy my bestselling book, The Seven Laws of Seduction. For daily game advice follow me on Twitter 

Read More: Why Trying to Bang Girls Straight Out of Rehab Is a Bad Idea


About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.