
How To Get Work Done While You Travel

The other day my London flatmate’s girlfriend bumped into me in the street as I was unlocking the door, carrying my suitcase
‘Hey, where were you this time?’ she asked.

‘Ibiza,’ I said.

‘Wow. You have to teach me how you go on all of these holidays,’ she said, clearly jealous. She was living in Spain before, and to be holed up in grey London over the summer is not always such a joy.

Well, she’ll be delighted to know that right now I am sitting in a hotel in central Amsterdam as I write this. It is Wednesday afternoon / evening. This morning I drove across Germany and into The Netherlands with Tom Torero, and now we’re about to enjoy a day or so in the city of sin.

I have just woken up refreshed from a siesta, and have been attending to some work before heading down to meet Tom an have some dinner.


What I actually said to my flatmate’s girl was that I’m not really on holiday when I go to these places—I’m working.

Now, that is kind of true and kind of not. It’s a bit of both.

Since I’ve begun to build this personal brand, and as I work for myself from my laptop, I can work from anywhere on the planet. Because it’s convenient for me, a lot of the time that is in Berlin or London. But there’s also no harm in me visiting other places. In fact, it is actually a positive, since going to diverse locations gives me inspiration for new material, and I can also document the trips in posts, on Twitter and on Instagram.

(and if you’re not following me on those then get over there for the gold!)

The question is, how do you get any work done while you are travelling. For me, it is something I am still finessing as I get further into this lifestyle. But here are four key points I want to share with you today.

1. Prepare beforehand

Before I go on a trip I always make sure I’ve cued up a few Tweets and posts so I don’t have to much to do on the road. Anything you can do ahead of time will help you out when you’re travelling.

2. Go into ‘minimal mode’

Unless you’ve gone away with the intention of immersing yourself in a project, don’t expect yourself to produce in the same volumes you do when at home. Accept that you’re going to do less and be OK with it. As long as you keep the show on the road and stay in contact with your audience then all good – your business is still firing and motivating people.

3. Have daily content targets and stick to them

Decide ahead of time what you want to put out – a post a day? Ten tweets a day? An Instagram post a day? Whatever it is, have that as your goal and stick to it.

4. Do whatever it takes

If you need to get up an hour early, do it. If you need to say to your travelling partner ‘hey, I need an hour alone,’ then do that. And if you need to go to an internet cafe do that as well. Travelling is great, and you need to unwind, but it’s important to continue to drip feed the content that is building your personal brand consistently.

Personally, I find I can have a great time travelling while doing a minimal amount of work just to keep things rolling while I’m away. Some will argue that I should take time off where I do nothing—-and they may well be right. But I’m still in building mode, and don’t feel quite ready for that yet. But let’s see how things progress—and of course, I’ll be keeping you informed.

This was first written and sent out as an email to my subscriber list back in June 2018. If you would like an EXCLUSIVE new article like this from me every single day then sign up now for my DAILY email here.