excuses are for losers

Excuses Are For Losers! The Secret of Success Is Right Here

Listen, if I hear one more whiny, bullshit excuse about why you can’t pick up girls, why the city where you live is no good for game, about how girls are bitchy, how this one special girl didn’t respond to your text message, how your ex wife is draining all your cash from you, how your boss is a sadist freak then I’m really going to lose my shit. Why? Because excuses are for losers.

Here’s the truth of the matter. Your circumstances are no good? Well guess what—neither are mine! Neither is anybody’s. We all have flawed logistics, poor visibility on the future, money concerns, and problems with girls.

If you have problems you are not unusual: you are alive.

That doesn’t give you an excuse to be a martyr about it.

So you walked up to the hottest girl in the club, said hi and she laughed in your face? It stung, right?


So your boss is an asshole who says he’s going to put you on a PIP for poor sales figures this month.


So your ex wife is making your life a misery with her constant demands and threats?


So your business, which started extremely well, is now going through a bit of a dip and revenue isn’t where you want it to be.

Guess what? Good!

Look, no one ever said life was easy. In fact, let’s be honest, most people who ever comment on life say it’s bloody hard. Because it is.

I’ve been through hard times. Terrible times. A difficult childhood. Terrible shyness and acne in adolescence. No sex life. A drink and drug problem by age 21. Clinical depression. A failed university course. A series of crappy, dead-end sales jobs. A terrible relationship with a girl who cheated on me. Rejection by hundreds of women. Debt and legal problems.

None of that sounds much fun, does it?

Well, it wasn’t.

But all the way through all of that I hung on to two things: a sense of humour and an absolute unshakeable core belief in my own ability to be successful at whatever I put my mind to.

Yes, that’s right. For some reason, whether or not it’s purely delusional, I’ve always been absolutely certain that I can succeed in whatever I put my mind to. Why? Because I am confident in my intelligence, my ability to learn, my persistence and my capacity for hard work.

Put me on a plane and drop me in any city anywhere in the world and I guarantee that I will find a way to make money and to get girls. I’ll be comfortable within a month. I’ll be prosperous within a year.

I have slept with more girls than most men I know. I say that not to boast but as a simple statement of fact. And moreover, these have, in the main, been very attractive. I have rarely, if ever, lowered my standards just for a shag.

How do you think this happened? Do you think that I’m so handsome, rich and jacked that they just fell in my lap? Of course not. I’ve had to grind it out in the pickup trenches, trawling the streets and the bars and the clubs for years. Because as well as having slept with more girls than most men I know, I’ve also been rejected more times too.

In business I have persisted even when others have tried to push me back down. Knowing my value I have continued to pursue my goals even when other thought I couldn’t achieve what I’d set out to. And despite the negative opinions of others I have succeeded.

How has this happened? How have I won out in these areas against all expectations? Simply this—I’ve maintained my self-confidence and I’ve embraced the grind.

The grind is the really important thing, you see. You’ve got to have the grit to grind it out, day after day. When you don’t feel like it, when you’re ill, when suddenly other things seem to take precedence. Even then, you’ve got to stick to the script and grind it out.

Excuses are for losers. Because success in any field, be it with women, with money or in a sporting or artistic pursuit, happens incrementally.

If you’re looking for the secret, the silver bullet, then this is it: consistent, massive action taken over time.

There are no shortcuts. And there should be no excuses either. Why? Because once you know the secret then you should no longer have the time to make excuses. You should be taking action instead.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book:

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