Coronavirus – So Where Do We Go From Here? | Degenerate Diaries

Well, this is a strange state of affairs, isn’t it? 

Unprecedented, in fact. 

We are facing a global situation of a kind i’ve never seen before in my lifetime (and I’m in my 40s). 

I’m in London, and right now, although the govt has stopped short of ordering complete lockdown, the strong ‘advice’ is for people to socially isolate and for clubs, theatres and restaurants to close down. 

Many other countries have closed their borders and ordered near-complete lockdown in major cities. 

Even as I write this I’m struck by how crazy this all is – it feels rather like a bad Netflix series, or a sci-fi movie. 

But it’s not – it’s reality, and it’s happening right now. 

We can’t fight it. 

There’s no way around this thing. We can only go through it. 

Even ‘game’, or dating, is pretty much off the cards right now

(I don’t mean with girlfriends or ‘plates’, but with new ‘leads’)

Daytime approach and night game are not really viable in most places right now. 

You could do online game – but you’ll need to rely on ‘low-hanging fruit’ and get girls to come directly to your place.

And some may not be keen, since we’re all being told to ‘socially distance’ ourselves. 

OK then. So is this a time for despair, anxiety and depression?

No, not at all. 

You see, the key to life in general (not just during a global pandemic) is acceptance. 

There are a great many situations in which we are – in practice – powerless. 

That is to say, there’s little or nothing we can do to alter external circumstances. 

We thus have two options – rail against those circumstances (futile) or accept them and work out a sensible way forward. 

For me, the obvious choice is the latter. 

If you’ve been asked to stay at home and not go to work, or whatever, you have to see it as an opportunity. 

You MUST seize the opportunity to do something really awesome. 

Because look, just because you’re not out and about meeting new girls right now, you can STILL brush up on your skills. 

You can read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts. 

You can do a deep dive into sexual dynamics with sites like Rational Male, and watching shows like Rule Zero. 

Or, if you prefer, you can focus on your fitness (plenty of exercises you can do at home). 

Or, you can start that new business you’ve been talking about for ages. 

The coronavirus scare could turn out to be the greatest moment of your life – the moment your life changed for good – if you take the right action. 

If you remain calm, relentlessly positive, agile and endlessly adaptable. 

Remember too that ‘this too shall pass’ 

However nuts everything seems at the moment, we WILL come through this. 

We WILL see a return to normality. 

In the meantime, why not do something amazing for YOU and your future?

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*Image royalty free and taken from Unsplash