if you want to beat anxiety and depression and feel happy read this book


Below is the third of three videos I shot in Amsterdam last week (with Tom Torero on camera duties), talking about my new book 10X HAPPINESS, ZERO BULLSHIT, which is out on Amazon today!

10X Happiness, Zero Bullshit

First, though, here’s a little more information on the book, from the back cover . . .


We live in an incredible time in the history of humankind. Famine and war are on the decline, poverty is falling, and technology offers incredible opportunities for self-development and career advancement that simply didn’t exist 10 or 15 years ago. So why are so many of us still unhappy?

Yes, modern life is complex, difficult and frustrating. But if we can find a way negotiate it then we can 10X our happiness, and enjoy the benefits of living through this amazing time on our planet. But while there is no shortage of self-help books and gurus out there, unfortunately many of them resort to the same cliched old BS.

10X Happiness, Zero Bullshit by TROY FRANCIS is different. In fact, it’s probably the rawest, most gritty, down-and-dirty but honest self-help book you’ll ever read. The advice it offers pulls no punches – but if followed it’s guaranteed to pull you through the dark times and help you 10X your happiness.

Graphically describing his own journey from a hell of misery, alcohol addiction and depression to becoming a confident, independent and successful self-employed writer and entrepreneur who has helped thousand of people improve their confidence and dating lives the world over, TROY FRANCIS shares how he 10x-ed his happiness through seven, easy to implement steps—and how you can do exactly the same thing too.

If you:

  • Are unhappy at work, in your relationship or at school
  • Hate your life
  • Fear other people
  • Have no idea where all of this is going
  • Are crippled by anxiety
  • Think you are unloveable
  • Despise your appearance
  • Imagine things will never get better for you

Then this is the book for YOU.

Follow Troy’s tried-and-tested path to a 10X happier, more meaningful life. You will learn how to – Smash denial – Accept – Realize you’re not in charge – Flip the script on bad habits – Reach out to others – Find meaning – Live the life you want, not the life you think you should – 10X Happiness, Zero Bullshit is not for the fainthearted—it’s a rollercoaster ride that forces you to sit up, take the blinkers off and entirely re-programme your attitude to life.

But if you’ve have enough of the tired self-development BS and you want to try something a little more raw and real, then 10X Happiness, Zero Bullshit is the book for you.




By the way, if you haven’t already, do sign up for my DAILY email, which is packed full of actionable tips and advice on personal brand building, entrepreneurship and freedom here NOW.