
Why Are Certain People Entrepreneurial While Others Aren’t?

‘Do it or don’t do it’

Steven Pressfield, The War of Art 

In the end, we either do it or we don’t do it.

What is it?

Anything. ‘It’ is any sort of action that will create change. Any action that will help us to build something. That will see us produce more than we consume.

I heard Jeff Goins talking about the Pressfield quote with book marketing guru Tim Grahl on a recent episode of the formers’ The Portfolio Life podcast. And it made me think.

What is is that makes some of us ‘do it’, and some of us choose not to ‘do it’?

I believe that certain people are gifted with a strange kind of hunger. An almost intolerable desire for things to be different to how they are now. A complete inability to accept the status quo.

I say ‘gifted’, but it’s a gift and a curse, of course. Because such people are also, by definition, never satisfied.

We are the hunters who must always hunt, even when the night has passed its darkest point and the sun is on the point of rising once more.

We will go without rest, sleep, food or shelter in order to get what we need. And we will remain undaunted.

The same motor, the same force that compelled me to study seduction also, in time, ensured that I would become an entrepreneur. In fact, it was inevitable that I would end up working for myself. Really, there is no way it could have been otherwise.

I think about it like this. In my former, corporate, job, I enjoyed relative security and a steady income.

Would I have become a millionaire as a result of continuing to follow that career path? Unlikely.

Will I hit seven figures by the end of 2019 with my current business? Yes, definitely. No question about it.

But I had to take a risk to get onto this path. And I took that risk late. Not that many people in their forties make the jump.

But then, on the other hand, most people in their forties (in corporate work) have led fairly formulaic lives and are now trapped by decisions they made earlier on.

I wasn’t trapped. In fact, I had—by virtue of my extreme and all-encompassing commitment-phobia—ensured that I was nothing if not mobile.

And so I made that jump. Really, though, I had no choice.  I had to ‘do it’.

Maybe you do too. Maybe you can identify with me. If so then you’ve come to the right place. Let us share this entrepreneurial journey together.

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