Showing 31 Result(s)
inner game

12 Days of Inner Game

In celebration of the launch of my course CHARISMA & DATING ACADEMY Q4 I will be running a whole TWELVE DAYS’ worth of content on INNER GAME on YouTube from Nov 1st – Nov 12th 2021 If ‘game’ is about externals like flirting, body language and eye contact then ‘inner game’ focuses on the mindsets …

break up

How Do You Know When To Break Up?

Breakups are hard, one of the hardest things that we have to go through. I have a friend who once said to me ‘even the death of my father was not as painful as some of the breakups I’ve been through’. Let that sink in for a moment.The demise of his own flesh and blood …

Tension Is The Key

When you are attracted to a woman and approach her with the aim of getting a date it is important that she understands clearly what your intention is. That is to say, she must recognise that you are  interested in her romantically, that you are hitting on her. There should be no confusion on this point …

Manipulation Versus Simply Being Social

Yesterday I did a stream with James Tusk where we discussed an article ‘Sales Funnels and High Value Men – The Rise of Strategic Dating’ about a new book called 138 Dates by Rebekah Campbell. In it Campbell encourages women to be strategic about their dating and to utilise ‘sales funnels’ and vetting in order …

What Could They POSSIBLY Have In Common?

I saw an amusing Tweet yesterday by someone called @kitten_beloved and I liked it so much that I immediately retweeted it. Kitten had herself retweeted a picture of Elon Musk with his girlfriend Grimes originally shared by someone called @gasstationbarbie who had written above it ‘what do they have in common like what do they …

Sometimes It Just Feels Good To Be Alive

I went to the kiosk just down from my apartment in Berlin to buy coffee. The owners – a Turkish family – know me since I’ve been coming in sporadically for six years. They know me only by sight since I don’t speak Turkish and my German is negligible. Today, the glamorous matriarch was behind …