
Why You Can’t Afford Not To Be A Rebel in 2018

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last decade it’s that you can’t afford not to be a rebel.

The days of quiet conformity are done.

I’m sorry if you’re a quiet, conformist type. Maybe I was at one stage too. But not anymore.

What changed in the last decade? A lot, but let’s focus on the financial crisis. 2008 was a shitstorm that swirled across the planet, fuelling mass-scale job-losses, foreclosures, business-failures, defaults and all sorts of economic hardship.

Ten years later are we back on our feet? Well . . . maybe. But what with the Brexit, the economic woes of places like Italy and Greece, Trump’s trade wars, sanctions on Russia and so on, it certainly doesn’t feel like a great time to be cracking open the Dom Perignon.

And on top of all of that we have the growing threat of automation. Robots are being developed right now that are so powerful that soon they will do a better job of being you than you. As a result, many jobs will become obsolete. It’s a no-brainer isn’t it? Why would a company pay you to perform a function when a robot can do it perfectly well for a fraction of the cost?

This is why bucking the system, telling the man where to go and setting up your own business is no longer an eccentric, ‘risky’ thing that only a few do. Now, it is fast becoming the only logical response to the the current socio-economic backdrop.

Now, being a rebel not so much a possibility as a requirement.

Fortunately, we live in an era where all the tools are laid out for us to promote ourselves globally and sell our products and services to the niche audience that buys into our particular vision.

Even better news is that by 31st December 2017, 54% of the world’s population was online – that’s over 4bn people! You only need to get a minute percentage of those to buy your product to make a huge amount of money.

So when I talk about being a rebel, what I’m really talking about is rebelling against received notions of what a ‘career’ is. Some of the most successful people these days are what the author and podcaster Chris Ducker calls ‘Youpreneurs’ – that is, people who have established a brand based on their personality which they monetize in various ways.

Examples of famous Youpreneurs are James Altucher, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Joanna Penn (of The Creative Penn). All these people put out content (podcasts, videos, blogs, book etc) which showcase their personalities and their messages. And because their audiences love them they also willingly buy their products.

It is eminently possible to rebel against conformity by becoming a youpreneur. In fact, it’s not only possible, it’s fast becoming essential.

The fact of the matter is that everyone benefits from having a distinctive personal brand online. Even if you still want to work for a company, if you are well-known as an expert in your field then you’ll be worth more money to your prospective employers.

Rebellion is no longer the preserve of the few. It is now your very best option. So when will you throw caution to the wind and rebel?

By the way, a reminder that my brand new book about strippers and strip club game is out tomorrow! Click here now to get it for the special introductory price of 0.99 (it will go up in price very soon!)


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  1. […] ^ I was quipping with Troy Francis this week about dinner dates. He was advising against them. There is wisdom to that. But I love […]

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