The Death of Togetherness

A few splintered images. A dance floor in the Amnesia nightclub on Ibiza, an island off the coast of Spain. Girls with glitter on their faces. Sweaty skin and t-shirt as you squeeze your way from bar to podium. Smiles and high-fives. A crowd juiced up on house music and ecstasy. In a basement room …

When Reality Collapses In On Itself

People in the QAnon community have been talking for ages about a ‘great awakening’. For me, the greatest awakening this week has been how chad a dude can look wearing horns and stars-n-stripes face paint sitting on the dais at the Senate on a Wednesday night. In the eye of such an explosive epistemological-political ‘storm’, …


Is Dating Broken In 2020?

Is dating broken is 2020? This video dives deep and explains all.   ► Subscribe to my FREE daily email here for updates on CHARISMA & DATING ACADEMY (ENROLMENT: 30/04/20 – 04/05/20) ►►Own all 11 of my dating / game books in RENEGADE DATING BLUEPRINT now for just $39 ►Join my VIP members’ area here …


The Best Thing To Do On Lockdown | Degenerate Diaries

We’ve spent the last few days talking about the ‘lockdown’ situation that many countries are facing, and I’ve been making suggestions about how best to spend your time under these unusual circumstances – namely, with self-improvement. Well, with that in mind, I have some exciting news to share with you – Jon of Modern Life …