
How To Achieve Freedom By Creating Every Day

There is huge freedom to be derived from the formula +1

Every day, you must create. Every day you must add +1 . . .

+1 blog post, +1 Facebook Live, +1 video, +1 article.

Whatever it is, every day you must add one more of them. And that means creating every day.

How does doing this help someone to achieve freedom? Simple. The more content you create, the bigger an archive of content you have online—on your website, on Twitter, on YouTube or wherever.

And the more content you have out there, the more ‘discoverable’ you are.

And the more discoverable you are, the more people will discover you, the bigger an audience you will have and the more people you will have to sell products to.

And the more products you sell, over time, the more money you will make and the more money you will be able to make in the future.

The old saying is right: your network is your net worth. 

When you’re building a personal brand you build your network by attracting more and more people to you. And only surefire way to do that is to put out a ton of high-quality, free content that brings value to their lives.

Yes, you could advertise . . . but that costs money. And the benefit of organic growth driven by content you produce yourself is that—rather like a drug dealer—you are giving people little ‘hits’ of your supply (the narcotic of your content) thus getting them hooked and eager to come back for more.

For me, creating everyday has become a habit. Partly, I do it for the reasons I’ve just stated. But even more than that, I do it because I love it. A lot of my content is written—and I love to write. Why wouldn’t I want to do something I love every day? That was my dream all along.

And the content creation model enables me to do so and build recognition for my brand at the same time.

And of course, you can do exactly the same thing. All you have to do is start.

So how about you +1 today?

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