personal brand mastery

A.I. Set To Kill 800,000,000 jobs by 2030. What are you doing to future-proof YOUR career?

Look, let’s not mess around. I know you are busy, and so am I.

Of course we are.

We are busy because the world we live in has become increasingly demanding, stressful and just so damn expensive, hasn’t it?

Sometimes we look back about how things ‘used to be’ when we were at school or college.

How simple everything seemed back then!

All we had to do was read a few textbooks, kick a ball around at lunchtime, and then go back home for mom’s cooking at night.

But nowadays, having to stand on your own two feet, make your own money, and work a job you most probably hate just to keep the wheels of your life in motion—sometimes you find yourself wishing things could be a little easier.

More fun.

Perhaps you see others on Instagram and Twitter leading glamorous, exciting lives, travelling the world and enjoying their freedom.

Every feed these days seems to be just one long scroll of beautiful girls, fancy cars, glitzy nightclubs and gorgeous sunsets over white-sand beaches.

Maybe you’d like to live the that playboy entrepreneur life too.

Or perhaps you don’t care about that that stuff so much.

All you want to do is to create work that you love, and help others in the process.

Give something back to society.

Either way, there are two little problems that keep coming up that seem to get in the way of your dreams:

Money, and time.

Either we don’t have enough money, or we work such long hours that we don’t have the time to enjoy it.

Some people call this poor ‘work-life balance’.

But whatever you call it, it sucks.

I had exactly this problem myself up until just a year ago. In fact, I worked corporate jobs that I hated for nearly twenty years before I finally discovered the unique and little-known solution to ‘work-life balance’ that I am about to share with you in just a moment.

I am in my forties now, and—quite frankly—loving life.

Maybe you are a similar age or just a little older. Perhaps you are much younger. Possibly you only just got out of college.Maybe you’re in your first soul-sucking corporate job.

Whatever. It really doesn’t matter. The problems of work-life balance are the same no matter what stage of life we are at.

And the beauty of the method I’m going to share with you soon is that it doesn’t matter one jot how old you are, what your work background is, where you went to school—none of that stuff is important.

It will still work for you.

But if you are doing one of those ego-sapping corporate jobs that so many of us end up in then my heart goes out to you, it really does.

Because—as I’ve said—I suffered exactly the same fate for coming up on two decades.

But don’t worry—you don’t have to make the same mistakes that I did.

Your escape can come a lot quicker.


The bottom line is that corporate work is a con.

It doesn’t deliver what it promises—neither the security, nor the money.

(OK, you can make ‘good’ money in a corporate job. But you’ll never make ‘amazing’ money like you can as a self-employed person).

Maybe corporate work never did deliver—but today is DEFINITELY doesn’t.

My father, who was born in the 1950s, worked for the same firm for most of his career. We’re talking over 25 years with one company.

Good for him—but his generation (the baby boomers) is the last that will EVER enjoy that advantage.

These days, you and I both know there is no such thing as ‘company loyalty’.

And no matter what industry you are in—law, accounting, finance, advertising, construction, retail or whatever—you can bet your life that the executives upstairs, locked away in their ivory tower, are poring over spreadsheets, totting up the numbers and figuring out the very best way to put money in their pockets (and their shareholder’s pockets) at your expense.

And make no mistake—you are 100% expendable:

  • Even if you have a water-tight contract that ‘guarantees’ you ‘employment rights’.
  • Even if the CEO stood up and told everyone at the last company meeting that there were no plans for job cuts.
  • Even if your line manager has privately told you that ‘you’ll be OK—you’ve been here for ages. They won’t fire you.’

Bullshit, all of it.

They will fire you, in the end.

It’s just a matter of time.

They know it—and deep down you do, too.

But you don’t want to admit it to yourself.


Because the alternative is too scary.

That you might have to find a way to stop relying on the corporate world to pay your bills, and discover another path for you to make money and thrive.

But it was never meant to be this way, was it? You were never meant to wind up in a job that makes you miserable and call it ‘life’.

And it isn’t that way, for increasing numbers of people. You know that, because you see them on Instagram and Twitter and YouTube, plus on all your other social media feeds.


Imagine for a moment what your life would be like right now if you didn’t have the responsibilities and pressures of a 9-5 job.

That you enjoyed incredible, unbelievable ‘work-life balance’.

That you were ‘living the dream’ instead.

What would you do?

Where would you go?

Perhaps you are one of those people who loves the outdoors—beaches, sea and exotic, sunkissed locations.

Well, wouldn’t it be great to wake up when you want in the morning (no alarm clock), step out of your apartment and sit out on a golden beach, the warm sand between your toes, as you sip an ice-cold orange juice, or a coffee, answering a couple of emails on your phone…

(Or not – you could always leave them ‘til later if you’d prefer).

On the other hand, maybe you are the type who prefers the big city—bustling, exciting, filled with energy and creativity.

So you decide to pitch up in London for a couple of weeks and work from there.

No agenda—you just want to enjoy everything the city has to offer. The nightlife, the restaurants, the luxury stores—as well as the buzz and excitement of the urban scene.

So on a whim you book a flight, rent an apartment, and go.

Once you arrive you get up when you want in the mornings, do a little work on the laptop and then you are free to explore.

You could go for brunch, maybe check out an art gallery or one of the beautiful parks, and then visit one of the ritzy Mayfair nightclubs in the evening.

Of course, all around you are people wearing suits, rushing around with serious expressions on their faces, going from this meeting to that.

But you simply smile, happy and grateful beyond belief that you have finally discovered this little-known but devastatingly effective shortcut to creating the perfect lifestyle business.

These days, the London life I have just described is a pretty accurate picture of how things are for me right now.

But let me tell you, it wasn’t always that way.

Not by any stretch of the imagination.


You see, only a year ago I was still working in the advertising industry.

Now don’t get me wrong—I learned a lot in my corporate career which I am truly grateful for.

After all, a thorough understanding of how the world’s top FTSE 500 / S&P 500 companies use branding plus cutting-edge sales-and-marketing techniques to persuade billions of customers worldwide to buy their products has been invaluable to me.

It’s given me unique knowledge about how big companies work that has supercharged my own business.

Knowledge that I’m now able to pass on to you.

But I won’t sugarcoat this.

Working in that corporate environment was hell.

Not that I didn’t have colleagues that I liked and respected, of course.

But overall, the experience of corporate work was dismal.


I remember I had one boss, this ogre of a guy called Mike.

Now, Mike was a hardass and no mistake.

Every morning he would come into the office with a cup of Starbucks coffee grasped in his vast, hairy fist and glare at us all.

As soon as he entered there was this hushed silence.

Literally everyone was scared of this guy.

Now, every Monday morning we would have a sales meeting where the whole department would sit around a big, round table and report back on the deals we’d brought in the week before.

Still half-asleep from having got up at 5am, we would sit there quaking and sweating under the bright fluorescent lights—PRAYING that Mike didn’t pick on us for questioning.

If he did ask you a question and you didn’t know your stuff—boy, were you in trouble.

– ‘You—how much did Volkswagen spend in the third quarter of last year?’

– ‘Troy – what was our market share of British Airways business against our competitors?’

– ‘What year-on-year revenue increase have we seen on X channel?’

And so on.

Those meetings would drag on for what seemed like hours.

And the only way you’d get through would be to pray you weren’t picked on.

What a horrendous way to start the week!

But it wasn’t just that.

The hours were long. The pay—even when I was making six-figures—wasn’t enough when you broke it down to an hourly rate.

And you were forever walking on eggshells, afraid that something you said was going to land you in front of the sour-faced HR lady who ruled her department with an iron fist.

Yes, corporate work is no joke.

Not when so many industries are in decline because of competition from the internet or tech.

And certainly not when artificial intelligence is swooping down to take all the jobs anyway.

Did you know that by 2030, 800 million jobs could go globally as a result of A.I.? (According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute).

Hell, you put up with all that stress working for the man only to get replaced by a robot down the line anyway.

Is that any way to live life?

Is it really worth it?

Of course not.

There has to be another way.

And there is.

I discovered it, and I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed my whole life—for the better.

Because here’s the thing—that whole ‘work-life balance’ deal we were talking about really only comes down to one, very simple thing:


And you know the very best way to make money?

It’s as old as the hills.

You sell things to other people.


Right Troy, you’re thinking. Tell me something I don’t know!

O.K., but first let me share a few things I had to learn the hard way:

  • Selling is not a dirty word, as some think.
  • Selling is good.
  • Selling is ethical (if you’re an ethical person—which you are—so no worries, right?)
  • Selling is also easy—if you are known.

Yes, it really is that simple.

The secret sauce to making selling things to people laughably easy—and to achieving that ideal work-life balance we all crave— is becoming known.

And the path to becoming known in 2018 is simpler than it ever was before…

You build a ‘PERSONAL BRAND’ online.

OK, I know what you’re thinking—what the hell is a ‘personal brand’ anyway?

Isn’t that just another one of those internet buzzwords they keep coming up with?

I thought the same thing myself…until I met a guy who became a very good friend of mine, and who showed me first-hand how building a personal brand is absolutely the very best way of doing business, making money and enjoying work-life balance today.

And it’s not like ‘persona branding’ is some kind of crazy, newfangled idea, either.

Throughout history, great figures have used fame generated by their talent or position to create enviable wealth and freedom for themselves.

From Beethoven to Lord Byron to Oscar Wilde to the biggest celebrities on the planet today—the likes of Jay Z, Beyonce, Leonardo diCaprio and Taylor Swift—being known via a personal brand has been used as a tool to create wealth and life a life of freedom and enjoyment for centuries.

It’s not just writers, artists and musicians who use their personal brands to create incredible lives for themselves: politicians and business men and women use it too.

After all, love him or loathe him, Donald Trump’s election as the president of the United States of America has shown the whole planet how a strong personal brand is a shortcut to power and influence.

And you only have to look at the likes of Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs to see how personal brand can help the entrepreneur reach even greater heights.

The sporting world, too, is packed full of people with enormous personal brands, including David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo and LeBron James.

Let’s face it: regardless of what profession or industry you are in, it is far better to be known to others than not known.


It’s very simple.

Because being known makes it easier to sell products and services to people.

Study after study has proven that customers are far more likely to buy from a person or brand that is known to them than one that isn’t.

Why do you think the likes of Coca Cola and Nike and Adidas spend mind-boggling amounts of money on advertising?

It’s not for the fun of it—or to satisfy their egos.


The reason they do it is because they know that the more familiar they are to people, the more likely those people are to open their wallets and hand over their hard-earned money.

At this point you might well be thinking, ‘OK Troy, I get all of that. But what does it have to do with me?’

I’ll tell you right now: it’s not just global corporations or pro-athletes or world-class celebrities who benefit financially from being known.

In 2018, with the power of the internet, every single one of us has the ability to make ourselves ‘micro-famous’ by building a personal brand online up to and far beyond where we can live off the money it makes makes for us.

And the great thing is, once you’ve set up the initial systems of success (which I will guide you through step-by-step) then the money you earn can come in pretty passively, leaving you time to work on other projects, travel or simply relax.

This is how a personal brand business solves that ‘work-life balance’ problem we were talking about earlier.

Because when you do it right, all you do is live the life you want to (exotic beaches and all) and post content about it online.

Of course, there’s more to it than that, and it’s hard work at times.

But in the end your job is to create entertaining and informative content for other people just by living your own life as you choose.

It sure beats going into an office every day.


Don’t believe me? OK, I’ll give you just one example of an ‘ordinary person’ who makes money through his personal brand presence online—my doctor.

I first found my doctor a few years ago when I was looking online for a new general practitioner in central London.

A Google search revealed several nondescript websites for clinics on Harley Street—all perfectly serviceable, I’m sure, but none that really reached out and grabbed me.

And then I happened upon the guy who is now my doctor.

Not only did he have a great-looking and serviceable website. He also had a Facebook page, LinkedIn, a YouTube channel—and now he even has Instagram.

As I pored over his posts, and watched his videos—where he talked about common symptoms and what they might mean, how to prepare for the winter cold season, and so on—I could see for myself that this guy was not only knowledgeable, but also friendly, warm and professional as well.

As a result of the personal brand he had created online (for that’s exactly what it it) I immediately called his office and made an appointment to see him—and he isn’t cheap, believe me.

I’ve been a patient of his for over three years now, spending thousands of pounds on appointments with him. And it is no exaggeration at all to say that he won my business because of his personal brand.

Hopefully now you are starting to see for yourself the power of building a personal brand—no matter what line of business you are in . . . and it even works if you don’t have a business or profession currently.

This is about creating ‘the business of YOU’.


But you have to understand what you are doing.

To have a method.

No, it’s not just a case of putting up a few random posts on social media and hoping for the best.

Instead, it’s about learning a structured, comprehensive, tried-and-tested model for creating and building a personal brand business online with YOU at the centre.

As I said, it’s about creating a business around you—your personality, your quirks, your likes, your dislikes. All delivered through content that you will create and publish online, whether that be articles, videos on YouTube, pictures on Instagram, a podcast—whatever you prefer.

OK, Troy, you might be thinking now—I love the idea of working for myself online, generating a (potentially limitless) income and being free from the 9-5 office grind.

  • But I have no idea where to start.
  • What kind of content should I create?
  • How often should I publish it?
  • What platforms should I be using?
  • Do I need my own website?
  • And how do I know for sure that people are going to be interested?
  • Plus (you might be saying) I’m not a doctor. And I don’t have anything to sell. So even if I do create my own personal brand, how the hell am I going to make money from it?

Don’t worry. All of those are great questions. And all of them are answered in full in my premium online course Personal Brand Mastery.


Personal Brand Mastery is a seven-plus hour video course in which I reveal every single little-known method and technique for creating a powerful personal brand that enabled me to escape from that six-figure desk job that I despised, and start making money for myself online instead.

If you choose to invest in the course, you will learn the precise strategies that I and many other top personal brand creators around the world use to earn an income that is significantly higher than what we were making in the corporate world—all without having to:

  • Get up early to go to a stuffy office
  • Commute for hours every day through slow traffic or on packed-out trains and subways.
  • Suck up to bosses that you despise and
  • Make small-talk with loser colleagues who are the kind of people you only spend time with because you are paid to do so.

Now listen. I’m going to get real with you here. Do you need to invest in Personal Brand Mastery to accomplish what I describe above.

No, of course you don’t.

Personal Branding is still seen as a relatively young industry (although of course it isn’t, as we’ve seen).

That being the case, there aren’t that many premium-quality courses on the market about it yet.

So many of your favourite online ‘gurus’ probably didn’t take a course to get where they are today.

In the end,personal branding is all about posting content to social media—’content marketing’, in other words.

Which is not in itself difficult.

And if you want to study content marketing then yes, there are videos on YouTube, and podcasts, and articles, and books that can help you.

But here’s the thing. If you’re read this far then I’m going to put two-and-two together and make the not-unreasonable assumption that:

(a) You agree with what I’m saying about corporate work and work-life balance.

(b) You want to make some big changes in your life, and in your career in particular.

I understand.

I felt exactly the same when I was stuck in the office dealing with Mike every day.

But it took me over four years to figure out the system of personal brand building that I teach step-by-step in this course.

That’s four long, hard years of your life working a full-time job while on the side figuring all of this stuff out.

I spent countless hours online, or deep in books, extracting useful information.

All while I was writing content for my blog and for other websites, trying to get my name out there.

And working that hellish 9-5 at the same time, of course.

That’s a lot of effort to go through.

Not that I regret it for a moment, of course.

It earned me my freedom and the life I have now.

But I don’t want YOU to have to go through the same thing when you don’t have to.

And most importantly, I don’t want YOU to make the same mistakes that I did building my brand—mistakes that cost me not only time, but a lot of money too.

So if you are unsure about taking the course, let me tell you that doing it the hard way like I did was 1000x more overwhelming.

I just wish I’d taken a well-structured video course showing me the exact steps I needed to be successful back then.

Fortunately, I had friends to mentor me and help me along the way. Like the guy I mentioned earlier. He has 25,000 subscribers on YouTube and he gets something like 1m listens a month on his podcast.

From those two things alone he makes enough money to spend his life travelling the world.

Pretty sweet, right?

These days, guys as big as that—and even bigger—are a part of my inner circle. Which is why my personal brand (and income) has exploded over the past twelve months.

It’s also why I am in a position to share with you these personal branding secrets that are only known to a very few of the planet’s top influencers, bloggers, YouTubers and creators.


But Troy, you might be thinking. All this sounds great—but your personal brand isn’t even that big! Why should I listen to you?

Let me explain. Sure, my personal brand is relatively small—at the moment.

At the time of writing I have something like 5.5k followers on Twitter, coming up for 2k on Instagram, a website that gets around 25k hits a month, and a growing email list.

Hands up—I’m not going to be worrying Dan Bilzerian any time soon.

But here’s the beautiful thing:

Despite having a fairly niche audience, I’ve still monetized my personal brand it to the point where I’ve been able to give up the corporate grind and make MORE MONEY from my online business than I did with my salary!

And that is huge:

  • It proves that you don’t have to be the biggest in the world in order to achieve enviable work-life balance and make money.
  • You just need a small(ish) group of committed, loyal fans—small enough so that literally anyone can get there—and then you are in business.

Maybe you’ve heard of Kevin Kelly’s famous essay on ‘1000 True Fans’.

(Kelly is a writer, thinker and the founder of Wired Magazine).

If you haven’t I’d highly recommend you check it out. Because in it Kelly makes the point that, in the digital age, you don’t need millions of fans.

In fact, if you can grow and audience of just 1000 true fans who are loyal enough to you that they will buy every product that you put out, and you create just $250-worth of goods or services, then you will earn $250,000 that year.

Not bad, right? That’s $250,000 you’ll have earned on your own initiative, without a bullying boss breathing down your neck, and without all the stress and crap of office politics.

Of course, many personal brand creators earn a ton more than 1000 fans and $250,000—and you can too, if you put the work in—but that’s just to give you an idea of what’s possible without even getting that big.

Oh, and the the way, while we’re talking money, Forbes recently ran a front-cover story on Kylie Jenner titled ‘How 20-Year-Old Kylie Jenner Built A $900 Million Fortune In Less Than 3 Years’

Just let that sink in for a moment.

Kylie Jenner, aged only 20 years old, has made nearly a billion dollars, all from her personal brand business.

Now of course, Jenner comes from an influential family and has had many advantages.

But still—if you were under any illusions that this ‘personal brand’ thing is a joke, or some kind of hobby, then you can drop them now.

This is serious, big business—and I can tell you that influencers far smaller that Jenner—ordinary people like you and me—are making HUGE amounts of money today from their personal brands.

And anyway, you may not even want to grow a huge following.

For many people, not getting ‘big’ is in itself a benefit.


Because not everyone wants to get too much attention from the outside world.

Some like the idea of a personal brand business, but they have no desire to ‘get famous’ or take over the world.

Well, that’s absolutely fine—you don’t have to.

You are in complete control of what you do. And you can scale your personal brand business as big as you like, or keep it niche and low-key.

Up to you.

But without a doubt, as we slide towards increased automation and the job market starts to shrink dramatically, we’re all thinking about the future and how best to future-proof our careers plus protect ourselves and our loved ones.

It’s little wonder that so many people like you are now seeing the huge benefits of starting their own personal brand.

And what better way is there to learn how than through someone who’s been exactly where you are now, then got in the trenches and figured this stuff out for you?

Seriously, if you choose to invest in Personal Brand Mastery you will get every single tool and technique that I discovered the hard way about personal branding—and you get it immediately.

This course will literally save you four or five years of hard work—and think of all the money you could earn in that time!

Of course, whether or not you enrol in the course is entirely up to you.

It’s your choice.

If you like, you can decide that it isn’t for you right now, and that you’d prefer to find the information out yourself through searching through YouTube videos and poring over hundreds of articles and podcasts.

You’re totally free to make up your own mind.

We’re all different and you must do what works in your particular case.

But there is a reason why I personally take so many online business courses—and why many of the most successful entrepreneurs I know do too.

Yes, there is an upfront investment involved—but just think of the opportunity cost in time, frustration, and money in not taking that online course.

And there’s one other thing.

Building a personal brand business is NOT some ‘get rich quick’ strategy.

This stuff takes time, dedication and commitment.

You can be successful—and you will be—but you have to be prepared to put in the work on creating consistent content.

And so a course that helps cut out all of the research you’d have to do otherwise saves valuable time—and money.

Anyway, enough blabber. Let’s get into the details.

I’m sure by now you are wondering exactly what you will get if you choose to invest the (in my view ridiculously inexpensive) $197 in Personal Brand Mastery today.

So let’s dive in and see the actionable benefits you will get in each of the course’s seven sections in turn.


– The WEIRD truth about what a ‘brand’ really is. You may think you understand the term—I did too, until I found out this surprising and little-known psychological explanation.

– The 3 KEY things you must be absolutely, 100% clear on in your own mind before you go a single step further in building your personal brand.

– Which UNEXPECTED character traits building a successful personal brand business reallyrequire to stand out and make an impact—and how you can acquire them.

– Why fancy, complicated analytics tools aren’t the best way to select your niche, and the surprising role gut instinct plays in creating a compelling personal brand.


– The discombobulating truth about what is really holding you back from making MONEY online and how to fix it—fast.

– The frankly embarrassing but ridiculously-effective technique that I use every day that will make your SELF-CONFIDENCE SOAR

– Think like a crack addict – the amazing but little-known way in which thinking like an addict will help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS MASSIVELY.

– Congratulations, you are now in SHOW BUSINESS! Why building a personal brand makes you an ‘infotainer’ and how to embrace it!


– Why you have to be a ‘PURPLE COW’ with your personal brand (and don’t worry—if you have no idea what I’m talking about, all will be revealed!)

– The counter-intuitive truth about your darker side, and why it’s actually an extremely POSITIVE thing to bring it out in your personal branding

– Why being radically vulnerable and actually making yourself look BAD in your content can help you attract MORE HIGH-PAYING CUSTOMERS

– The ‘Donald Trump effect’ and why it’s actually BETTER FOR BUSINESS to have some people really HATE you and what you stand for!

– The little-known truth about the real reason why Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Amy Winehouse and Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode are HUGE STARS – and how YOU TOO can use it in your personal brand.


– A crazy guy at your local café clucking like a chicken is totally irrelevant to your business, right? WRONG – learn how you can turn the weirdest, most whacked-out things you see and experience into into PROFITABLE content for your personal brand!

– How to become a content robot, so that EVERYTHING that happens to you can be turned into material for your personal brand, ultimately allowing you to MAKE MORE MONEY.

– Precisely why the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle can help put MORE MONEY in your bank account with the these under-the-radar STORYTELLING methods.

– A super-powerful pro-technique for how to ALWAYS have something to talk about online and never get ‘writer’s block’.


– Which social media platforms should you really be using to build a HUGE AUDIENCE for your personal brand? (Hint: they’re probably NOT the ones you’re thinking of right now).

– The truth about whether you need your own website, and how to OVERTAKE YOUR COMPETITION who are failing in this area.

– COPYWRITING: Why EXTREME emotions are the best way to SELL RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS of product to your audience—and how you can ethically harness them in your writing.

– SEO – tried-and-tested techniques for getting rabid FANS feverishly searching for your content on Google.

– The supreme, earth-shattering importance of building your own email list for PROFIT. Plus – what to say, how to say it, and how often to email.


– The 7 counter-intuitive steps that I have used to produce HUGE amounts of content – 10 books, a daily blog and email, a weekly podcast, this course etc — within one year!

– Find out the real reason that no-one else is telling you about why you are not a productivity SUPERSTAR right now – and what to do about it.

– How NEGATIVE emotions like jealousy and anger will unexpectedly SKYROCKET your productivity.

– Why you need to get ADDICTED, find your ‘blood and guts why’, and then get ruthless about the people and things around you to BOOST your work rate.

– Exactly why you have to be a HUNTER

– ‘The Frenzy Philosophy’ – what it is and how it will REVOLUTIONISE your business and get the money flowing in!


– Learn about the THREE key ways you can start making serious MONEY from your personal brand, plus which one is the best and why.

– How to literally get inside your audience’s MINDS so you know exactly what products to create that will have them salivating to give you their MONEY.

The ultimate, slap-your-forehead-when-you-hear-it method for creating ludicrously SUCCESSFUL LAUNCHES for your products.

– How to sell products for a huge PROFIT without even lifting a finger to create them!

– How to SCALE your personal brand business like a crazy James Bond villain intent on world-domination (entirely ethically, of course!)

And that, my friend (plus much more) is what you will find should you choose to invest in Personal Brand Mastery today.

Right now, as I’ve said, the price is at the special introductory rate $197 for enrolment.

(Plus, there is even a payment plan option, where you can pay in small chunks over two months).

However, that WILL be going up in the next few weeks or so. And to be honest, given that you have over 7 hours-worth of detailed information here that will (if you apply it properly and work hard) completely change your life, that personal investment is ridiculously low.

When I was at my soul-sucking corporate job, if someone had said to me that all I would have to do in order to escape and live a life of freedom—and earn more money, too—was take a $197 course I would have jumped at the chance.

In fact, I would have happily paid over ten times that.

Naturally the choice is yours and yours alone.

Do be aware, though, that in the coming weeks and months I will be both adding bonuses and taking account of student feedback to add new content which means the price of the course will rise considerably very soon.

So if you are serious about changing your life, escaping from corporate hell and living a life of freedom, prosperity and satisfaction—and you want to learn from someone who has done exactly that—then simply press the big blue button now.

When you do, you’ll be taken through to a sales page where you’ll be asked to enter a few simple details and then voilaYou’ll have immediate, lifetime access to Personal Brand Mastery—plus you’ll get all the updates that will follow 100% for free.

AND, in order to make sure that you’re on track and that everything makes sense you will also have email access to me throughout the course.

So if you have any questions, or need any help with anything then simply drop me a line and I’ll do all I can to help you.

Finally, in order to make your decision entirely risk-free, there is also an iron-cast, 30-day, no-questions-asked full money-back guarantee.

So if you buy the course and for some reason it’s not exactly what you expected (and I’m 100% confident that won’t happen, but just in case) then you will get 100% of your money back immediately.

The choice is yours.

But if you want to change your life just like I’ve changed mine, then enrolling in Personal Brand Mastery now is the best, most risk-free way of doing so. I’ve worked hard on this, putting everything I know into it to help you on your journey.

I look forward to seeing you inside.