fuck business

PERSONAL BRAND 1: F*ck Business

I’ll confess. I don’t give a damn about online business and neither should you.

Here’s why.

Imagine getting out of bed at whatever time you like. Fuck morning routines. I’m talking about rolling over, hitting snooze and laying up as long as you want.

And then when you finally do get up, you go to the local hotel bar for breakfast. Here you order your usual pot of hot, strong, black coffee.

You take a sip—as usual it’s rich and aromatic.

You’re hungry, and so you order an egg-white omelette. In the meantime you sit and check your social media, fire off a couple of emails and maybe read a little of the business news.

This isn’t the weekend—this is during the week. You are able to get up and begin your day in this leisurely fashion because you are your own boss.

Because you have already created a number of products which are selling for you in the background (as a result both of your content marketing and paid traffic).

And while your income is not exactly ‘passive’, it is nonetheless not labour-intensive to maintain.

Of course, you are always working on new projects—you enjoy it and you love the buzz.

But there is little sense of urgency.

And you have no boss.

And you don’t have to travel into work on a sweaty subway carriage.

And you can take breaks or holidays whenever you like.

And you can travel to anywhere in the world and work from there.

These are the things that I care about—the specifics of the lifestyle that I can achieve...if I put certain actions into place.

I am not a business guy. Not naturally anyway. OK, I worked in business for nearly twenty years—I was an advertising executive for various big multinational media companies—but business is not the blood that flows through my veins.

Adventure is that blood.

Risk is.

Glory is.

I realised early on (although it took me a long time to get there) that I would achieve none of these things working for the man.

In fact, working for the man was so contrary to my personality that doing so was creating huge cognitive dissonance.

It was literally tearing me apart.

And so—when the time was right—I jumped. I left the corporate world forever.

And I haven’t looked back.

So don’t worry if you are also not a ‘business sort of person’. None of us are really.

We’re all just animals.

Creatures looking to eat and drink and fuck and run and do something with our minds and then have a good sleep afterwards.

We’re simple creatures, and ‘business’ is merely means to an end, not the end itself.

And this is why, for me anyway, the personal brand model works perfectly. It’s the only business I know that lets me do pretty much whatever the hell I like, create content about it and then get paid.

Which is pretty cool. And you can do the same thing.

So as the former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said recently, ‘fuck business’. 

It’s a vehicle, not the destination.

And there’s a lot more to life.

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