personal brand

Can I Talk About Something That’s Already Being Talked About With My Personal Brand?

A question that a lot of readers ask me is this: ‘Can I talk about an already-popular topic that loads of other people are already covering as part of my personal brand?’

The answer is an emphatic ‘yes’. In fact, I’d go further than that. I’d say you have a duty to talk about that topic (if it impassions you), because your take on it will help people who may not currently be being reached.

Here’s what I mean. Let’s take an extremely popular topic—fitness. How many people online have built a personal brand around fitness? I don’t know—but it’s a lot. Thousands, probably hundreds of thousands.

What more is there to be said about the perfect way to do squats, or an arm-curl, or the best way to get a six-pack for summer?

If you’re into fitness, and think it’s something you could build a brand around, you’ll probably look at all of this in despair. After all, what can you possibly bring to the party that hasn’t already been said and done?

Actually, quite lot. Here’s why. Your story is your own—and it’s utterly unique. And when you tell that story, at the same time as giving out your fitness tips, then you will appeal to a very specific group of people who might not like other fitness gurus.

For example, I’ve read mainstream fitness advice in Men’s Health before, but I tend to get a bit put off by all the ‘bro’ fitness channels you get on YouTube. Yes, the advice can be good, buy they don’t really speak to me personally as an individual.

On the other hand, I like AJA Cortes on Twitter because he is a cerebral writer with a lot to say on a variety of topics (although he always circles back to fitness, which is his core niche).

Because I buy into Alexander as a person, and I like his writing, it follows that I also buy into his fitness stuff. And if I am looking to spend money on a fitness programme I’ll buy one of his.

I forget offhand how long Alexander’s been writing for—several years, I think—but without a doubt there have been a wealth of fitness gurus on the scene before him.

But so what? Did he let that put him off? Hell no! He set about creating and publishing high-quality writing and building up a huge following – he currently has 37K followers on Twitter and a massive subscriber list.

And here’s the real kicker. Had he not started putting work out into the world then people who would like fitness advice, but who don’t buy into other gurus, would have had to go without.

There is ALWAYS justification for you to create work and to publish it. There is NEVER a reason for you not to. Don’t allow shame, or imposter syndrome, or fear or anything else to silence you. Instead, cultivate abundance mentality. There are billions of people online—plenty to go around.

Create. Find your tribe. And then serve them.

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