conspiracy theories

4 Reasons Why Conspiracy Theories Are A Load Of BS

Conspiracy theory is not really a topic I want to delve into deeply on this site, since it’s somewhat negative and just not what I’m about.

Nevertheless, a lot of the men’s ‘self-development’ space is currently dominated by a vocal minority of people who buy into conspiratorial narratives. For that reason I want to share a few general thoughts.

For a start, I am not naive enough to believe that there are no such things are conspiracies. Yes, human beings conspire, and yes, they will seek to hide certain things and claim that their intentions are different to reality.

However, let’s draw a line between acknowledging that very obvious truth, and the convoluted, sometimes crackpot ideas that we mean when we think of conspiracy theories.

We all know what these are, and I can’t be bothered to rehash any of them here. But if you need a memory-jog they generally revolve around shadowy ‘elite’ groups controlling everything that happens in the geo-political space for their own nefarious benefit.

People expound on these ideas non-stop online and get fiercely angry when having to defend them from sceptics, who they brand ‘useful idiots’ and ‘cucks’.

There are several problems with this.

  1. If these conspiracies exist, but they can be uncovered by anyone with an internet connection and the inclination to wade through reams of sensationalist reporting on websites, then perhaps the shadowy ‘elites’ can’t be as all-powerful as feared. Otherwise surely they’d just suppress these easily-discoverable leaks?
  2. Many conspiracies, particularly those that target various religious and / or ethnic groups, have been around for centuries, and have never been conclusively proven. If they were real isn’t it likely we would have seen concrete evidence by now?
  3. Even if these conspiracies are real, current and functioning, you are entirely powerless to change things.
  4. As such, any energy spent on disseminating and debating them is wasted.

Actually, that last point is not entirely true. You could set up a website or Twitter feed or whatever, all about your favourite conspiracy theory. You could gain hundreds or thousands of followers and find ways to earn a nice income from them, either through advertising to them, or by selling them books, courses or other products.

Many people have gone down that road and have done well out of it.

But if you aren’t doing that, and all you are doing is spending hours online or off defending ideas which are likely unprovable, and certainly not influenceable or monetizable by you, then you have to ask yourself – what the hell am I doing?

There’s an old saying – ‘If you can’t eat it, drink it, fuck it or sell it, then forget it’.

This sort of thinking can sometimes be taken to extremes. I remember once telling my dad I liked the composer Rachmaninov.

‘What good will that do you?’ he said. ‘He won’t give you a job. He’s dead.’

Now, while there’s not harm in enjoying the work of a composer who brings beauty and enjoyment to your life, in the case of conspiracy theories it’s worth asking yourself ‘what is this bringing me’?

If the answer is ‘money’ then that’s fine. Carry on.

If the answer is ‘a nebulous feeling of self-worth interspersed with dopamine hits when I “own” someone who disagrees with me on Twitter’ then it’s probably worth examining your priorities.

Put it this way. If the Queen of England is ‘really’ a lizard creature (unlikely), what do I care? Unless I can make money out of the fact. If I can sell a line of Queen-Lizard dolls then all good. If not then the notion and its likelihood is irrelevant.

Think about it like this—we only get one life. So instead of pushing someone else’s narrative, why not push your own instead?

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  1. Every once in a while in the States you hear some troll trying to convince the populous that 9-11 was an inside job! By the way I like Rachmaninoff too!!!

    1. Yeah, it’s never ending, all of that stuff.

      Rachmaninoff was great. Although he was illuminati, you know 😉


  2. Troy,
    I take issue with your picture of the lizard Queen. Have you not watched Dr. Who? The Queen is an alien and the lizard is merely her minion. And looks completely different. Jeeeeez, get it right before you spread rumors…….. LMAO, Great post.

    PS. My family is from Scotland and for the Scots who want independence, I say, why should we give England back after all these years?

    1. haha is it a doctor who thing? I rarely watch it apart from the Xmas episodes . . .

      Indeed re: Scotland / England! Well, looks like it’s all going to kick off again soon . . . . if the Brexiteers get their way there’ll be no ‘United’ Kingdom in a couple of years . . !

      I spent a lot of time there (Fife) as a kid actually as my step mother is Scottish.


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