
This Is How To Take In Self-Development Advice Efficiently

A quick tip for today about how to take in self-development advice most efficiently.
If you’re anything like me you’re probably inundated with self-help tips every single day. From morning until night, as soon as I open Twitter, or check my emails, or look at Facebook, I am inundated with advice and techniques, ostensibly to make my life better.

How to deal with this deluge of self-help talk? And how to avoid missing the wheat for the chaff?

Very simply, here’s what I do. First of all, I skim the advice that greets me until I see something that resonates. For example, on Twitter I’ll scroll through a whole heap of Tweets before I pause on one or two that I like enough to ‘like’, and maybe retweet.

By now, you see, I trust my antennae enough to know when something is right for me and when it just isn’t.

Then, having selected a few nuggets that I particularly like I will mull over them for a while. And if I still like them enough I’ll put them into practice.

For example, a couple of years ago I was persuaded by one well-known online figure to try affirmations. I’d been aware of them for ages, of course, but the way he presented them really made it seem like a good idea. So I tried them, and found them to be hugely beneficial. I still use them to this day.

But there are other techniques that I have tried, like cold showers in the morning, for example, which simply haven’t done anything for me. These I have discarded.

And that is the key. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you did everything that all of these different voices advises then you would have no time for anything else. It would become ridiculous. It is far better to go with what strikes you on a core level, and which turns out to be beneficial based on personal experience.

By the way, a reminder that my brand new book about strippers and strip club game is out now! And it hit number one in the Sacred Sexuality chart on Amazon earlier! Click here now to get it for the special introductory price of 0.99