
This Is Why You Need To Be Tolerant

You haven’t got time for resentment.

You haven’t got time for friction.

You haven’t got time for beefs.

You haven’t got time for any of this stuff. Are you crazy?

If you have got time for those things, or think you have, then you really need to have a look at your priorities.

Time, you see, is a serious business. Deadly serious. If there is one thing in the world I would give everything to get more of it is time. But it is the one thing you can never get more of, no matter how much money you’ve got.

This is why tolerance of others is so absolutely vitally crucial to your health, business and general wellbeing.

There are some people who have a problem with the word tolerance. Not because they are racist or hold extreme opinions or anything like that. But simply because, having been taught that they should be a ‘boss’, they get the idea that they should take zero crap from anyone, ever.

I know this, because I have been one of those people. I still can be, sometimes, if I’m not careful. You should see me on the London Underground at rush hour. If you read my mind then you wouldn’t find much tolerance there. All those slow people clogging up the escalators!

But this attitude of mind, this ability to pick up resentments against people who have not done anything intentionally wrong and mean me no harm, is wasteful. It wastes my time. It wastes my energy. It wastes my mental capacity.

Far better simply to adopt an attitude of tolerance. I don’t have to go crazy about every little thing. Why should I? All I need to do is let it go. Hand it over, smile, and forget all about it.

Feeling resentful of other—innocent—people is like a drug, you see. We can spend all day feeling righteously angry about others and not having to look at our own behaviour or progress as a result.

But that’s no good for anyone.

So cut the resentment out of your life. Drop it utterly, and be tolerant instead. Try it for a week. You’ll feel better for it, I promise. And in doing so you will also start to attract far more positive energy back from others into your own life too. So it’s win-win.

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