10 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To Right Now

The activity that has changed my life more than any other in the last few years is undoubtedly listening to podcasts. The podcast has of course come of age in that time: now a great many people put them out and standards are very high. And sticking in the headphones for an hour or so is an incredibly efficient way to take in new information and perspectives on specific subjects relevant to one’s life and business.

In case you’re not aware, I have my own, a weekly show called The Modern Casanova Podcast which you can listen to on iTunes and SoundCloud, where I talk about game techniques, girls, living a location independent lifestyle and so on. Check it out.

That said, this is not primarily about plugging my own show, but rather, it’s about sharing 10 of the podcasts I listen to, and that influence me.

Here, in no particular order, are my top ten favourites.

1.The James Altucher Show

Hedge fund multimillionaire, writer, self-help guru, cryptocurrency expert, chess master standup comedian and all-round genius James Altucher is a great listen (and you should check out his blog too).

His podcast ranges across genres with guests as diverse as Coolio and Sir Richard Branson, but the underlying topic is always high achievement. How have each of these people managed to have reached the top in their respective fields?

2. The Tim Ferris Show

Most of you reading this will be aware of Tim from his groundbreaking book The Four Hour Work Week, which was responsible for starting the digital nomad revolution pretty much single handedly. He has also written Tools of Titans, a deep dive into the strategies used by some of the most successful people in the world.

Tim’s show is along similar lines to James’s, although their styles are different. Great interviews entrepreneurs, artists and business leaders and fantastic, applicable advice.

3. The Dating Abroad Podcast

Kyle Trouble fronta this great podcast about meeting women abroad. It’s packed with interviews with guys who have successfully dated in locations across the globe including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Norway, Peru and many more.

4. Remaniacs

If like me you’re a Brexit junky then Remanics is a highly-amusing, highly-informative podcast about the absurdities of the UK’s proposed withdrawal from the EU presented by journalists Ian Dunt, Dorian Lynskey and Peter Collins. Includes prominent guests such as Lord Adonis, Vince Cable, Nick Clegg etc.

5. The Tom Torero Podcast

Readers of this site will likely be familiar with the British daygamer Tom Torero. His podcast is the most consistent and solid daygame podcast there is. Tom is a great articulator of game wisdom and drops gold every week. Includes occasional guests from across the pickup scene.

6. The Adventures of Barbarella

For a female perspective on the game and girls stuff tune into my friend Barberella’s great show which covers everything from female ejaculation to Harvey Weinstein to the friendzone

7. ProBlogger

If you have a blog or do any kind of content marketing this show is gold dust. Darren Rowse, who runs the ProBlogger website, is a fantastic presenter, and he always comes to the mic armed with great tips and suggestions. A huge influence on me and the direction of RealTroyFrancis.com

8. The Self Publishing Podcast

Presented by Johnny B. Truant, Sean and David, this is a show aimed at self-published authors hoping to achieve a thriving indie publishing career. This, alongside Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula show, has been a huge help to me as I’ve put out my books. 

9. The Sharpe Reality 

A red pill podcast presented by my main man Donovan Sharpe, this is an excellent show about dating, pick up and red pill themes, not least because I’ve been on it twice already!

10. The Minimalists

I’m a big fan of the Minimalists Josh and Ryan. Their show is just so damn comforting, from its down-home intro music, to the guys’ homespun-but-dead-on advice about simplifying and improving your life through minimalism.

So there you have it: a whistle stop tour of some of my favourite shows. Do give them a listen and let me know what you think. Also, if there are any other podcasts you like not mentioned here let me know in the comments section below.

If you’re a 40+ guy who wants to meet, attract and date beautiful women click here to get a copy of my brand new book STILL IN THE GAME

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  1. GREAT Content ! RTF should create a podcast too.

  2. Troy, impressed with the increase in content going into 2018!

    You have mentioned wall street playboys in the past, they are great. The older stuff on ROK is great, and your stuff on there as well.

    But I am looking for an advanced self-improvement site. Or maybe a forum. Reddit, and many other sites, are just guys asking basic, easy questions. I am looking for people who, for example, are focused on becoming as efficient as possible. Figuring out the best diets, the best workout plans, etc.

    Have any recommendations?


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