how to meet beautiful girls with powerful eye contact

Renegade Dating: How To Use Powerful Eye Contact To Meet Beautiful Girls

Eye contact is without doubt the dedicated renegade playboy’s go-to in his quest intimacy with beautiful women.

It turns out that all that dating advice of yore—from 90’s ‘lad’ mags, problems pages, and your mum—was correct in this particular: strong, confident eye contact is exceptionally potent in producing pantie tsunamis. Just not for the reasons that earlier proponents thought.

Eye contact, we were always told, demonstrates confidence. Women like confident men, therefore strong eye contact will get you laid (or at least a date) right?


The devil is in the detail, and and it is really the quality of your eye contact that makes all the difference. This isn’t about staring random girls down like a creep—your gaze must have attitude.

The really important thing about steady, sustained eye-contact is that communicates male-female polarity.

When you look at a woman, your eyes must tell her that you are thinking having sex with her. Your eyes, in other words, must show that you are a man who is unashamed of his desires.

A way to practice this is to go out and maintain eye contact with as many people as you can (men and women) without relinquishing it. Very quickly you will become more confident, and you will find women gazing at you for longer plus blushing, dropping their shopping and even walking into walls and bus-stops.

When you become good with eye-contact, you will find that in many cases it pretty much shorts out the need for sophisticated verbal patter because the sub-communication is doing the work for you: I am a man, you are a girl and I am attracted to you.

Once this baseline reality is established the chit-chat on top is secondary, an exercise in comfort-building. I

f you have this kind of vibe with a girl, then ask for the number or an instant date, and chances are she’ll be amenable : eye-contact alone has done its job.

If you liked this article you will also love my daily email, which teaches business and pleasure for men. To sign up go here: Troy Francis Subscribers

Plus, if you would like to learn how you can escape the matrix and live the renegade playboy life by building your own personal brand business online, go here. 


About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.


  1. This article is gold.
    Friends think I’m crazy but I tell them,”When I look in a woman’s eyes, I give her the vibe that I will fuck the shit out of her.”
    Of course, she has to be a woman I am attracted to. Although I will do it to a random lady just for practice.
    This is the only part of game I instinctively knew. Sometimes this is enough.
    This article is spot on. Go get her, Troy.

    1. Thanks Edward! A big part of the game is definitely in the eye contact. When I think back on pulls that went particularly well, they are always the ones when I’d gone in with strong eye contact. Done well, it can save you a lot of work as it makes what comes out of your mouth largely academic.

  2. i experienced this for the first time yesterday.. i can not believe it took me this long to discover it!
    Eye Contact/Eye Fucking really works.
    If done correct.. you’ll take her breath away, and she’ll be yours to enjoy.

  3. Yep. Eye contact is where it’s at. A girl at a register loves great eye contact. Some of them have told me so while they were ringing me up that most people don’t make strong eye contact when placing something so simple as a fucking order. strong eye contact is a super-rarity.

    Yeah I fuck them with my eyes if they will take it, some can’t handle it but I love it when they do. I’ll walk up and after some chit chat I whisper in their ear that I wanna fuck them real deep and make that pussy so fucking wet.. Kiss their thighs, massage their neck… Get some resistance and stand your ground and hold strong ec.. few hours or days later it’s happening. And hold strong ec when fucking them… Hot as hell

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