
Sometimes Life Is Just A Bloodbath And You Have To Deal With It The Best You Can

Sometimes life is just a bloodbath and all you can do is struggle through the day, take the savage blows and and get to bed without doing yourself or anyone else any serious damage.

Anyone who cannot see the bestial nature of life is not living it to its full.

As I’ve said before, a recognition that life, when you get down to it, is nasty and brutish (if not necessarily short) as well as beautiful is the essence of the red pill.

Yes, strictly speaking the red pill applies its focus solely to intergender sexual relations. But for me, a red pill perspective should penetrate the thin veneer of social nicety to the swarming mass of twisted, murderous, animal impulses and counter-impulses that grapple beneath.

I recorded a podcast this morning talking about the need to stand up for yourself when it really counts. Only you can decide what constitutes the ‘really counting’ part,  but if there’s a principle involved, or someone or something important to you, then yes, you have to fight.

What I didn’t say was how very wearing the fight can be sometimes.

Had a battle today. Can’t go into details here. I was psyched up, enjoyed giving the other guys slugs until, spinning woozily like puffy-eyed boxers before me they capitulated and gave me what I wanted—but with a nasty side-dish of revenge.

I won and I lost at the same time. Well, no, scratch that. I won. But how exhausting it is, how wearying, to watch people so desperate to take you down that they will tell lies about you in writing. How dispiriting to feel so resented and despised that they will stoop to every low, mean and dirty trick.

I got what I set out to because I was clever and ruthless and Machiavellian and I swallowed back any remaining empathy I have and I did what I needed to do.

I felt elation for an hour or two and now the low the junkie feels when the very last hit has evaporated from his body. Now the aftermath.

When you have to fight then you have to. But don’t underestimate the toll it can take physically, psychologically, mentally, spiritually.

I found myself wondering whether it is a good thing that I have become so hard and jaded that now this is familiar territory for me. And whether every fight takes something away from you that can never be replaced.

Sometimes life is just a bloodbath and you have to deal with it the best you can. Reflect, relax, rest, recuperate. Undertake spiritual practices. Forgive those who have wronged you. Do the next right thing. Never show weakness, never give up. All that shit.

This, after all, is what it is to be a man.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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Read More: Is Cocaine The Seducer’s Drug Of Choice 

1 Comment

  1. Great article man. You brought me back to my corporate days of dealing with hardcore psychopaths and sociopaths on a daily basis. It really takes its toll on the spirit. I got so burned out from those battles I just had to quit or die by probably giving up and drinking myself to death. The battles are a necessary part of being a man and there’s a lot of both good and bad buried in there.

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