We’re All Content Creators Now

We’re all content creators now. You, that girl walking her dog in the park. Dan Bilzerian. All of us.

All of us are writers, photographers, TV producers, image editors and publishers rolled into one. And that’s a great thing.

Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone will be famous for five minutes. What he didn’t foresee was that fame would get smaller. Now, if you have a couple of thousand followers on YouTube then you are famous—for those couple of thousand people.That may seem like small beer but it’s enough.

Because when you think about it, ‘media’ is becoming more and more fragmented. TV viewing figures are going down. Certainly for ‘event’ TV anyway. It’s not like it used to be back where there were only a handful of channels and everyone would gather round to watch Coronation Street at 7 o’clock  or whatever.

Nowadays, smaller and smaller tail media is the thing, because individualism is now the dominant religion. I am only interested in these three things and I demand my own media channels for each. And there are people out there who will supply.

It doesn’t matter to me, as the consumer, whether these people are celebrities, big stars like in the old days. It only matters that they produce content that I love and get it out to me.

There’s one blog I read that I would bet good money only has a few hundred readers. It doesn’t matter. The content pleases me and to me it’s author is a star. I don’t care if only a few hundred other people read it—in fact that’s even better, because it makes the work seem more personal and intimate. Like a secret that the masses haven’t discovered and nor are likely to.

Individualism, fragmentation and atomisation have all led to hyper-personalisation. To the point that your Facebook posts or Tweets may well make up a segment of someone’s daily media consumption. And the thing is we don’t really register the difference, any more, between traditional content and social media content. What I mean by that is, an article by a favourite blogger has the same value for me as an article written by anyone in the mainstream media. In fact increasingly non-MSM sources seem to be becoming more credible, more trusted.

We are all content creators now, it just depends how far you want to take it. I say take it as far as you can. Write and record and publish then do it again. Do it every day. Do it many times a day.

Because your unique take on the world will undoubtedly fascinate people. Not a lot of people, admittedly, but some. In time, it may be enough people so that you can create an income stream that will fund your enterprise, so you can make more content that they love.

The age of hegemony is dying. In the future there will be very few jobs as we know them today and many more “solopreneurs”, each satisfying the demands of a long tail of niche customers. In the future there will be very few corporations as we know them today–vast, unwieldy, inefficient. Instead there will be a myriad of micro-creators.

You need to become one of those micro-creators, or at least pivot by gaining the necessary expertise.

There is little security in the modern world. There are no more jobs for life. Marriage for life is a thing of the past, pretty much. The one thing that you have that is permanent is your voice. It is original and unique to you. Some people will love it. Others may despise it. That’s fine, that’s their business. Your business is to find and connect with those people who are just waiting to hear what you have to say. For they are out there.

Understand that in a world that lacks security, the most important thing you must do is find your tribe.

Do it now.

Start today.

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  1. Agreed. In a day and age when everyone has a voice, why listen to the talking heads?

    By the way Troy, love what you have been doing with this post-a-day thing. Truly inspirational.

    Keep it coming, the content is great.

    1. Exactly – the mainstream media has lost its hegemony. Thanks for the comment!

  2. I could not refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well written!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind comment – glad you liked it! Thanks, Troy

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